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You can always file a claim on their policy. If they do not cooperate with their insurance company, the company has to give them the state required days to respond before they make a ruling on fault.

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Q: What happens not your fault someone hits your car but does not phone their insurance company?
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What happens if an accident is your fault and you have have insurance?

When this happens, your Insurance company pays for damages. If the accident is your fault, your insurance rates can go up.

What happens if accident is your fault?

Well Someone will sue you and the insurance will do something about it!

What happens if someone hits your car with no insurance but you got no fault insurance?

you pay alot of money stupid

What happens when a uninsured driver hit someone?

What happens when an insured driver hits someone depends on the state you live in. In a no-fault state you present your claim to your insurance company for payment. In a tort state, you would sue the driver for compensation. If you have uninsured driver coverage, then your insurance company should cover you and/or your vehicle, up to a certain amount. You should check with your insurance company to be sure.

What happens with the insurance if you get in a wreck and its your fault?

We typically contact our insurance company and report the accident and the circumstances. That way the insurance company can pay the bills for you.Answerthe insurance company raises your rates and pay a deductable

What happens if the driver at fault hits a car and the driver at fault has no insurance will the car that hits you have to pay for your car?

If you have comprehensive insurance, your policy will cover the damages (less a deductable). In this case, your insurance company will sue the at fault driver. You can also sue the at fault driver for damages (if you do not have comprehensive).

What are car insurance laws in California if someone hits me and they are at fault?

They or their insurance company needs to pay for damage and medical bills in the accident. If they don't have insurance, they can still be sued for the accident by the victims insurance company.

What happens if you rear end someone but neither of you has insurance?

The other person can sue you because you are at fault for the accident.

Will your premiums increase with no-fault insurance if someone hits you when your car is parked?

The insurance company has no reason to raise your premium, the situation was completely out of your hands.

Will your insurance company pay you a diminished value if accident is your fault?

No, if it is your fault you are not eligible to received diminished value from your insurance company. It has to be a third party claim, ie the party at fault's insurance company pays the damages if you can recover them.

What happens to No fault insurance in a fault state?

At-fault state laws apply.

If you have basic insurance someone is faulted by hitting your car what should be done?

You will need to make a report to both insurance companies. Even though you are not at fault your insurance company will still want to know. Unless the other party takes the blame right away and tells there insurance company that it was there fault then you do not need to tell your insurance. But I always recommend that you always talk to your insurance company about the accident.