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Insurance policies uniformly have provisions that require an insured to notify the insurer of an incident that could result in a claim. The requirement is usually phrased in terms of the notice being required "as soon as practicable". This eliminates the need for immediate notification, but does suggest that the notice be given as quickly as can be done under all of the circumstances.

The failure of the insured to timely notify the insurer could result in the insurer denying coverage for the claim. That is, the insurer may take the position that it has been prejudiced by the late notice (or lack of notice), and that it will not defend the insured or pay damages for which the insured may be legally liable. The basis for the claim of prejudice generally is that the insurer was not given the chance, because of the late or lack of notice, to investigate the claim, develop a defense, and/or compromise with the person claiming damages.

If the insurer does this, and the insured challenges the legitimacy of the denial of coverage, it will usually be the insurer's burden to prove that there really was prejudice. Sometimes that occurs in the context of a lawsuit brought by the insured against the insurer where the insured is seeking coverage. Sometimes it occurs in the context of a lawsuit brought by the insurer against the insured (often called a "declaratory judgment action") where the insurer asks the court to determine whether or not it is liable under the policy.

In other cases, when the amount of money sought by the adversary is fairly small, the insurer will not push the issue and will overlook the late notice or lack of notice. In those cases, the insurer will in effect determine that it is not worth the time, effort or expense to try to avoid coverage based upon a late or no notice defense. Instead, the claim will be handled as any other.

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Q: What happens if the at fault driver does not tell his insurance company about an accident?
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I can only speak for Florida because that is where I live and it is a no fault State. In Florida it really would make no difference to you if the other driver did not inform his insurance company of an accident. Really, you would only have to file a claim with your own company and contact his insurance company after the accident. I would just make sure you have the other drivers info so that you can contact them about the accident.

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Typically, the uninsured driver will be cited for it, and your insurance co. is liable for the damages.

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You do not have to reimburse your insurance company if the accident is the fault of the other driver and the claim is made on their insurance. If the accident is the fault of the other driver and their insurance does not cover everything and you make a claim on your insurance for reimbursement, your insurance will subrogate (collect back) from the other company.

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It does not matter to an insurance company that the other driver had a suspended license. Liability is determined by the factors of the accident and the evidence put forth. The fact that the other driver had no license does not affect liability or the handling of the claim.

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I hope you had insurance for this. The uninsured motorist will probably be broke

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After a car accident, one must immediately contact their insurance company to file an auto accident insurance claim, even when the other driver was at fault. Make sure to have all the other driver's insurance information so that the other company can thoroughly investigate.

What happens if you were in an accident and at fault but the other driver had no license?

The license status of the other driver has no bearing on your liability. If you were at fault you are still responsible for any damages and injuries. Just report it to your insurance company as you would any other accident.

What happens if you get in an accident and the other driver does not have a drivers license?

If they don't have a licence they won't have valid insurance. Your own insurance company will advise; in the UK there is a pool to cover this, but it'll be different elsewhere.

What if the driver at fault will not call their insurance company to report the accident?

If the other party is refusing to call their insurance company - then you should call their insurance company and file the claim.