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I can only speak for Florida because that is where I live and it is a no fault State. In Florida it really would make no difference to you if the other driver did not inform his insurance company of an accident. Really, you would only have to file a claim with your own company and contact his insurance company after the accident. I would just make sure you have the other drivers info so that you can contact them about the accident.

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Q: What happens if the other driver fails to inform his insurance after an accident?
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Can you be the main driver on Insurance on someone else's car?

Yes, as long as you inform the insurance company.

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My boyfriend was driving my car and had an accident. My insurance company paid the damages but his insurance premiums went up. Mine did not increase. The points follow the driver. It has been a few years but I am not sure if it has changed. Your insurance agent should be able to inform you. I didn't want to call them at the time but I did and was assured even though they paid for it, I was not penalized nor were my premiums increased.

Can you report a car accident to the police three weeks after it happens?

You can always report it, weather they will fill your claim is dependent on a lot of things. Who was at fault, amount and type of damage, type of coverage, and insurance company. You should be sure if after a accident you choose not to inform your insurance company, as they require you to do so asap. Lot of things factor into this tho, no clear cut answer if you are wondering about coverage.

What happens if insurance replaces stolen items then the police recover and return the stolen items to you?

I recommend you contact your insurance company, and inform them of the recovered goods

Does the new driver of a car have to have insurance the day they get there liceance if there is insurance on the car they are driving?

The in force policy on the car covers all legal drivers however parents should inform the insurance co. of the new 16 year old driver it probably will raise your rate.

Do we need to inform other Insurance company about an existing insurance policy?

yes you need to inform them

What is the protocol for filing road accident claims?

If an individual has been in an accident, they should first call their insurance company. A good insurance company may send an agent to document the accident. If another motorist is involved, it is good to exchange information. Additionally, it is best to inform the police so traffic can be re-routed safely,

What can happen if you do not notify your insurance company that you are driving under a suspended license and have had an accident?

They will probably try to deny coverage on your claim. Did you inform them that your license was suspended? Probably not, I imagine.

After a car accident what do you do?

Every state and situation is different, but typically the best thing to do is to attend to anyone who has been injured, call for the police, and then call any loved ones to inform them of your whereabouts and condition. After doing this, you will most likely need to get vital information from the other car that hit you, such as driver's license and insurance number. It can also be helpful to get a written testimony from anyone who was there to witness the accident.

What to do in a car accident?

Every state and situation is different, but typically the best thing to do is to attend to anyone who has been injured, call for the police, and then call any loved ones to inform them of your whereabouts and condition. After doing this, you will most likely need to get vital information from the other car that hit you, such as driver's license and insurance number. It can also be helpful to get a written testimony from anyone who was there to witness the accident.

If you wreck and you are driving someone else's car what happens?

If you're at fault in the accident while driving someone else's car, the car owner's insurance typically covers the damages. However, the car owner's insurance premiums may increase as a result of the claim. It's important to inform the owner of the car and their insurance company about the accident as soon as possible.

What do you do after a car accident?

This is for in the UK (though I suspect just about everywhere as most of it is common sense): If anyone is injured, regardless of how lightly (i.e. even just a cut or bruise), you MUST call the police. It is a criminal offence not to do so. If you have an accident completely on your own and no other vehicles are involved: It is largely up to you what you do. If no-one is injured and your car is not badly damaged, you may wish to drive on and consider it a lesson learnt. If you have comprehensive insurance, you may choose to claim from your insurance company for the repairs to your car, but you will have a more expensive premium the next year. If your car is badly damaged and/or in a position where you cannot drive away (e.g. if it has fallen down a ditch), you will need to call a breakdown company. If it is in a position where it is an obstruction to other road users, or where property has been damaged, you should inform the police. If you have an accident with another driver:If anyone is badly injured, call an ambulance as well as the police. If your car is damaged and you wish to claim through your insurance, the other driver has a legal obligation to tell you his/her details - name, address, phone number and insurance company. Likewise, if the other driver wishes to use their insurance to repair their damage, you must give your details to them, even if you feel that the accident was not your fault. If there is a disagreement between the parties involved about who was to blame, your respective insurance companies will ask you to make a statement, and they will decide between themselves who was to blame for the accident. Liability can be 100% against one driver, 50/50, or anything in between. A driver who is judged to have caused the accident (whether partially or fully) will suffer a more expensive premium when they renew their insurance. Additionally, if you are hiring the vehicle, you must inform the hire car company straightaway. They may have their own procedures for dealing with an accident, on top of the standard legal procedures, but this varies from company to company.