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Then the court and insurance companies will decide. Get all the information you can, take photos, anything and everything about the incident and reasons why you aren't At Fault. If you can, also hire an attorney.

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Q: What happens if both drivers deny fault in accident then it goes to court?
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Then you're considered to be at fault, the logic being that you shouldn't have been there to get into an accident.

Do you have to pay your deductible if the accident was the other drivers fault?

The other driver should be paying if they were at fault; you may sue them for your deductible in small claims court if they had no insurance.

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My plan was denied and it was not my fault it was the other drivers fault because police and show up to make a police report it is really his mind

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your still in trouble since you dont have a License,if you have a mean judge,

If you have an accident with no car insurance in Pa what happens?

If you have an auto accident and you are found to be at fault, then if taken to court you can be liable for all damages. You could potentially lose everything that you have.

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When this happens, your Insurance company pays for damages. If the accident is your fault, your insurance rates can go up.

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a judge in an American court makes the decision as to who is at fault for an auto accident. some states have "no fault" meaning in an accident all parties involved are given a percentage of the accident's fault

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Not if it is deemed to be 100% the other drivers fault and they have insurance.

Does Atlanta offer no-fault accident coverage for drivers?

Atlanta is in Georgia, which does not offer true no-fault accident coverage, but insead has no restrictions on law suits.

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As long as your teenager was properly insured and he was not involved in the commission of a crime at the time of the accident, nothing should happen to your teenagers driver license.

What happens to your drivers license when you are at fault in an auto accident do they get point on your driver licence?

Yes. How many points depends on the state in which you live and the EXACT charge against you.

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