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If coolant is leaking from a car it means that your radiator has a hole in it. If this is not fixed the car will over heat.

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Q: What does it mean when coolant is leaking from the car?
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Example sentence - The coolant in my car was leaking out.

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If by water you mean engine coolant, yes. Loss of coolant, antifreeze, is a major cause of overheating.

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You could be leaking coolant, your blower fan might not be working, etc.

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If your talking about coolant leaking on the passenger floor then it means your heater core is leaking and needs to be replaced.

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if car is leaking fluid , it has a leak a leak and steaming indicates it is engine coolant and the engine is over heating find the leak and fix it before your trash your engine

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Just because there is a leak doesn't mean it will overheat instantly, but if you do not keep adding coolant or fix the leak you will have engine problem

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Will a leaking heater core cause your car to overheat?

A leaking heater core will cause the engine to overheat because the coolant is leaking out.

Why is your car blowing steam out of your vents?

The heater core is leaking coolant.