Just because there is a leak doesn't mean it will overheat instantly, but if you do not keep adding coolant or fix the leak you will have engine problem
try taking out the thermostat and have you put to much oil and coolant in the radiator
If it is leaking trans fluid into the coolant it can cause overheating.
If coolant is leaking from a car it means that your radiator has a hole in it. If this is not fixed the car will over heat.
If it is not actually over heating, then if the smell is outside the car, look for coolant leaks around the head and the thermostat cover. Inside the car could be a leaking heater coil.
if car is leaking fluid , it has a leak a leak and steaming indicates it is engine coolant and the engine is over heating find the leak and fix it before your trash your engine
gasket wears out in time. leaking coolant is the result of a bad gasket not the cause of it.
Can result in freezing in the winter and over-heating in the summer.
If you mean engine coolant is getting into the car, the heater core is leaking coolant causing the coolant level to drop and that causes the engine to over heat.
If your radiator isnt leaking and car is having a over heating problem and coolant spewing out. Chances are your thermostat needs replaced. possible the radiator needs to be flushed. But more likley its thermostat
Example sentence - The coolant in my car was leaking out.
If it's leaking coolant, then it's not a good idea to, unless you pinch off the lines to the heater core.
If your Pathfinder is over heating then you may have an issue with the coolant. You can try adding more coolant to ensure that your car is no longer over heating. You can also double check to make sure your blower is actually cooling your engine.