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Q: What does 'consent to rate' mean for homeowners insurance?
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What is the cheapest price for homeowners insurance?

£1 Please see if I can get a cheaper rate on my homeowners insurance. My email is

What does 'consent to rate' mean on a workman's comp bill?

Consent to Rate means that the insurance company must have the consent of the insured (i.e. by a signed form) to charge higher than the filed (with the State, if applicable in your state) rate. **** More information** To elaborate on the above answer, Florida is a good example of a state that allows Consent to Rate - these forms must be signed prior to binding. the resons for consent to rate would be Unable to Obatin Coverage at the filed rate, Unfavorable loss experience, unusual hazards or claims activity and such. Source: Commercial Insurance Workers Compensation Expert

Will your homeowners insurance go up if you file a claim?

Usually not. Most companies do not rate up for a claim. However, at this time it is very hard to get homeowners insurance at a good rate if you are cancelled by another company or if you have claims it is hard to move to another company. Insurance goes in cycles. For the past few years insurance companies have been loosing money on homeowners insurance so they have become much more careful with their underwriting. It is easier to get car insurance than home insurance. Most companies will not even write home insurance unless you also give them your auto insurance.

What does consent to rate mean on a property insurance policy in North Carolina?

That's permission to give you a price for the policy. They meed to rate it in order to quote you the price it will cost. The company is required to rate the risk according to your states regulations and it's filings.

What are homeowners insurance ho ao and och codes?

HO is an abbreviation for a homeowners policy.AO in flood insurance terminology means rate zone that corresponds to the areas of 1-percent shallow flooding where average depths are between 1 and 3 feet.OCH is an acronym commonly referred to On-Campus Housing.To be honest I never come across the last one in homeowners insurance terminology.

Can you get another mortgage after a foreclosure?

yes...........but you will pay a much higher interest rate and your homeowners insurance will also be much higher Probably not.

What was the cost of the same homeowners insurance coverage in 2011 versus 2014?

That would depend on which Insurance Company rates your asking about. They are all different. Some companies and some geographic regions have had rate increases while others have had rate decreases.

What insurance company sells the cheapest house insurance in the Northern Virginia area?

Usually you can get the cheapest rate on homeowners insurance from the company that you have your other policies with. Insurance companies offer huge "multi-line" discounts when you have two or more policies with them.

would you be interested in knowing which auto insurance provider has the best rate?

I tend to stick close to home, relying on my local insurance company for all my needs. This includes homeowners insurance, auto and health insurance from the convenience of one office for all.

What is the average rate of homeowners insurance?

The average rate is going to vary depending on where you live, your credit, weather conditions in your area, etc. This website can give you an idea:

What does consent to rate mean on an auto policy in North Carolina?

North Carolina has a Rate Bureau that sets the rates for all the insurance companies in North Carolina for auto and property. A consent to rate is a document which the insured signs and the insurer retains that indicates the insured's willingness to pay a rate higher than the rate established by the rate bureau. It's used frequently - for instance, the insured has a driving record that makes him or her an undesirable risk unless they are willing to pay for their past risky behavior (as that person would in a state where insurance companies make their own risk - you are rated by your risk, not by an agency setting rates for everyone). In order to charge someone a rate higher than the North Carolina Rate Bureau rates, a consent MUST be signed by the insured.

Will your homeowners insurance cover your dwelling if you have a renter?

Yes, but only for the dwelling, not for your renter's belongings. be sure to notify your insurance company that you have renters, your rate will go down because they're not insuring your belongings...and be sure to tell your renters about renters insurance.