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That's permission to give you a price for the policy. They meed to rate it in order to quote you the price it will cost. The company is required to rate the risk according to your states regulations and it's filings.

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Q: What does consent to rate mean on a property insurance policy in North Carolina?
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Yes, Either owner of a property can purchase a home insurance policy. It is recommended however, that you list all persons with a financial interest in the property as an insured on the policy.

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A fire Insurance Policy is Fire Insurance for the covered property indicated on the policy.

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No, Homeowners insurance does not cover damages to your automobile. Your home insurance policy is property insurance for the specified structures and real property listed on the policy. Cars are not listed as covered property on your home insurance policy, that's what auto insurance is for.

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The insurance policy will be transferred in the name of the new property owner and will be entitled to all benefits against the said policy.

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does the name on the insurance policy have to be the same as the title in anderson south carolina

Property Insurance Coverage for paid off property?

An Insurance Policy in an appropriate Property Line can certainly offer you security for your paid off property.

How can I cancel joint life insurance when one party doesn't consent?

This will depend on some factors. Who is the policy-owner? The policy-owner is the only person who can cancel the insurance policy,

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Can someone take out a life insurance policy on someone that they do not know?

Typically, the person being insured must consent to the life insurance policy. Without the person's consent or insurable interest, it is not permissible to take out a policy on them. Doing so could be considered fraudulent.