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It depends on your insurance company, and what kind of insurance you are talking about.

Car insurance, you pay deductible if you are At Fault and they'll cover the rest of the repairs. If someone else is at fault, that driver will usually pay everything with their insurance.

Home insurance, you pay for repairs that are not covered (ie plumber, appliance repair). However, your insurance will pay for any damage that was caused to the actual structure of your home. Say you have a leaky pipe, you pay the plumber, but they'll come in and cover all the damage the leak did. Same for an appliance like a washing machine or a dishwasher/fridge. If those leak and damage your floor or cabinets, you pay to repair it but insurance may cover the damage that was done. Most people have a deductible that you still have to pay but beyond that, they'll pay the rest. Hope that answers your question. ^_^

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Q: What do you pay before you insurance begins payinh?
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What is a deductible in auto insurance?

A deductible in any kind of insurance is, basically, the minimum amount before the insurance "kicks in." On any repairs covered by your insurance, you will have to pay the deductible amount before the insurance will pay anything.

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Gross pay

What is heath insurance deduction?

Its what you are required to pay out-of-pocket before your insurance will cover the costs of your medical bills. Sometimes known as "co-pay".

What is a heath insurance deductible?

Its what you are required to pay out-of-pocket before your insurance will cover the costs of your medical bills. Sometimes known as "co-pay".

Will your health insurance pay first if you are in a car accident?

No. You auto insurance has to pay first before the health insurance will begin to pay. Usually they want a letter from your auto insurance carrier to prove that all medical payments coverage on your auto insurance has been exhausted.

If insured by your employer and your spouse's employer which is the primary insurance?

Your insurance through your employer is your primary insurance, and your spouse's primary insurance is through his/her employer. If both husband and wife are insured on both insurance policies, then you have primary and secondary coverage. But you will still have to pay any deductibles and co-pays before either policy will pay. The deductible is the amount you first have to pay (usually at the first of the year) before the insurance will pay anything. The co-pay is your percentage of what the insurance doesn't pay, which for many health insurance companies is 80% for them and 20% for you. There is sometimes a co-insurance that you have to pay also. Ex: Insurance companies have a set amount that they pay for any office visit, procedure, etc. If the bill is over what the insurance pays, then you are responsible for the balance.

Will home replacement insurance pay for fire after 3 months of coverage?

Yes, your coverage begins on the effective date of your policy.

What is the amount you pay before insurance company pays anything?


What is a health insurance co pay?

Generally, a co-pay is a fixed amount that you're responsible for before the insurance coverage starts for a particular medical service.

Do you pay for medical appointments in America if you have insurance?

It all depends on the Insurance plan that the patient is filed under. some plans require a certain amount to be payed out of your pocket before the insurance will pay.

About what percent of premiums do you pay for high deductible insurance compared to low deductible insurance?

It really is not possible to define that in percentages. But think of it this way, the higher the deductible ( the amount you pay BEFORE the insurance company begins to pay ) the lower the premium. Just do the math, if you are taking a $2,000 deductible over a $1,000 deductible , but you are only saving $200 a year, it is not a good choice. You are basically putting yourself on the hook for potentially another $1,000 in deductible to save $200.

How long before you are vested for life insurance?

Your life insurance policy would pay out immediately after ratifying the contract