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Most likely you will loose your licence. Some states will allow you to pay a fine for a provisional licence that will allow you to drive to and from work and during the course of work. This happened to me in Ca. I payed $250 bucks for a year.

If they have insurance, it is likely it will pay for THEIR med bills and damages. If they don't have insurance, they may sue you for damages. But seeing as you said they want to file a claim, I'm betting they do have insurance.

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Q: What can happen if you were at fault in a rear end accident and have no insurance Now the other driver wants to file a claim for whiplash?
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If the uninsured driver had the permission of the insured driver to operate the vehicle then NOTHING will happen to the uninsured driver. In fact, in this case he or she is not an uninsured driver at all. The insurance follows the vehicle first, the driver second.

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That would depend on how likely your teenage driver is to get into an accident, how dependable they are. It may end up costing you more in the long run if they do happen to get into an accident.

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First of all, if the driver was driving your vehicle with your permission, your auto insurance will cover the accident expenses. Automobile insurance is issued to cover the vehicle. If the vehicle was stolen, that's quite a different matter - your local law enforcement agency will have better information.

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The extra driver needs to be added onto the insurance policy. Having someone drive a vehicle and not having them on the policy can be a large problem if an accident were to happen.

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Your mom could loose everything by being sued by the other drivers insurance company. Because you are unlicensed and took the car without permission her insurance company will not cover the accident and you are likely to get a ticket.

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If there was another vehicle involved and the accident was that driver's fault you can file a claim through their insurance. Otherwise, the only other place to go is through your insurance. You can use your medical coverage (if you have it) and you should have "uninsured motorist bodily injury" coverage that you can use.

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Generally speaking, no. However, in any moving incident/violation, your driving record is checked. If it turns out that you have a few past speeding tickets, and maybe another previous accident or two where you were not at fault, the insurance company may choose to tag you as a high-risk driver and increase your premium. On the other hand, if you are a driver with a spotless record, your rates will probably not go up in the event of an accident where you are not at fault.

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They'll have an accident that is their fault, the insurance company will refuse to pay, the driver of the vehicle and the owner will be sued for everything they own and then some. Or they will be in an accident that is not their fault but the person who owns the vehicle will have their insurance cancelled and will have to pay a fortune for future coverage.

When did Whiplash - video game - happen?

Whiplash - video game - happened in 2003.

What is the consequence of being at fault in an accident with no insurance?

Several things can happen: If there are injuries or deaths, possible jail time. If incident is rather minor, one year driver license suspension. * The traffic charges will depend upon the accident itself. If the state has mandatory insurance coverage the person's driving privileges may be at risk. The "at fault" driver is still responsible for all damages and can (probably will be sued) by the other party and his or her insurance provider.

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They would be charged

The other driver's insurance wants a statement from you even though you was not on fault in this accident and other driver was charged with the accident?

Yes, that is normal and you should comply. Insurance fraud is a huge problem in the industry and the other insurance company is only trying to confirm the nature of the accident. You never know when the other person may be trying to claim something for their benefit that didn't happen in the accident. Say for example the other person was really alone in the car but later told their insurance company that they had a passenger in the car with them that was injured in the accident. This invented passenger then makes a claim against the liability coverage of the driver and if and when it is settled the driver and their accomplace share in the bogus claim's settlement. Meanwhile your damage is taken careof as it should be but your statements could expose the attempted fraud trying to be committed by the other party. Believe me, all of us need to do our part in limiting fruad because the cost of fraud is included in our ever increasing insurance premiums.