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Q: What are you doing when you look far ahead while you drive?
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The manual says you should look ahead while driving?

The manual says you should look _____ ahead while driving?

High means to look ahead 12-15 seconds into your target area as you drive?

____ high means to look ahead 12-15 seconds into your target area as you drive.

High means to look ahead 12 15 seconds into your target area as you drive?

Aim high to look ahead 12-15 seconds into your target area as you drive

What means to look ahead 12-15 seconds into your target area as you drive?

that means to look ahead and not get fixated on the road directly in front of you; stay aware of the conditions 100-400 yards or meters ahead.

On a city street you should be looking ahead of you as far as the car in front of you?

No. You should be looking scanning everywhere for road signs, traffic ahead, and what people ahead of you are doing. and you should also watch around your car for things like cats or other animals that might try to run in front of you. at first when you start to drive you will probably look at the car ahead of you but the more you drive the more you will start to pay attention to everything going on

When you aim high do you adjust your headlights higher?

To "aim high" means to look far ahead when you drive. We do not look at our feet when we walk, we look ahead. Aiming high allows you to be able to analyze traffic situations. In city traffic, look at least one block ahead. On highways and expressways, look as far ahead as possible, for at least 2-3 seconds.

What is Aim high steering?

You look ahead 12-15 seconds into your target area as you drive.

When do you drive defensively?

Anytime your are driving a car you should drive defensively. This will greatly reduce your chance of getting in an accident. Driving defensively means that you look ahead, put space between you and the vehicle ahead of you, turning on your signals and always leaving an "out".

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How far ahead does the manual say you should look while driving your truck?

12 to 15 seconds

While driving you should look 10 to 15 seconds ahead of you?

Sure, and to your left, right and behind you.