____ high means to look ahead 12-15 seconds into your target area as you drive.
that means to look ahead and not get fixated on the road directly in front of you; stay aware of the conditions 100-400 yards or meters ahead.
To "aim high" means to look far ahead when you drive. We do not look at our feet when we walk, we look ahead. Aiming high allows you to be able to analyze traffic situations. In city traffic, look at least one block ahead. On highways and expressways, look as far ahead as possible, for at least 2-3 seconds.
Anytime your are driving a car you should drive defensively. This will greatly reduce your chance of getting in an accident. Driving defensively means that you look ahead, put space between you and the vehicle ahead of you, turning on your signals and always leaving an "out".
A "mechanical front wheel drive" tractor has front-wheel-assist which means that not only the rear drive wheels pull the tractor ahead, but the front wheels also pull the tractor.
9.84 seconds is seconds only. It means 9840 milli seconds.
It stands for a target and it means: your here! youve come to the right place
Yes, it has legal meaning and is legal to be there. It means that there is construction ahead so you should drive carefully and go slowly. It also means that there may be workers and is sometimes accompanied by a sign that says "Fines doubled when workers present" or something of that sort. I hope that answers your question, since you were unclear in your wording.
It means unlock it at target smash level ??????.
anu= ahead. Radha= lover of Krishna. Anuradha= ahead of the lover of Krishna- Krishna. Anuradha means Krishna. It also means Goddess of wealth and a constellation.
1.5 minutes or 90 seconds. which is 1/40 of an hour. mph means exactly what it stands for "miles per hour" so you take 1/40 which gets you to 90 seconds.
In railroad traffic, a green arrow means go ahead now.