You will be safer if you will learn to drive defensively.
I personally have not ever heard anyone say that people drive more defensively in Texas. I think that any good driver drives defensively regardless of whether it is in Texas or California, New York, or Toronto.
Obey the traffic laws and drive defensively.
ALWAYS wear a seat belt. ALWAYS drive defensively. NEVER drive under the influence of anything.
Example sentence - He spoke defensively when asked about his father.
If you already know how to drive, it's not worth it to go through a defensive driving course, the concept of defensive driving is to keep you as safe as possible at all times. There are books and websites that can provide you with this information for free.
Defensely isn't a word. If you meant Defensively, here's one:He stepped in front of her defensively as the man pulled out a gun.
It depends on how you drive.If you drive offensively you have a lot better chance of dieing then if drive defensively you will live longer .It is not usually the biker who is at fault for accidents it is the automobile driver that do not pay attention on the roads.
In cricket, stonewalling is when the team is playing defensively rather than trying to score. The player bats defensively with the intention of not getting out and is used to try to force a draw.