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Auto insurance usually has several components.

Liability insurance is the limit of how much the insurer will pay on your behalf to someone you injure while driving.

Property damage is the limit of how much the insurer will pay on your behalf to someone on account of damage to their property you cause while driving.

Medical Payments / Personal Injury Protection (PIP) pay medical bills up to the limit of the insurance. Fault is not considered.

Underinsured / Uninsured (UM) insurance is there for the benefit and protection of the insured in case someone else is At Fault and causes injury to the insured. This is very important insurance.

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Call your agent or your insurance company.

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Theft will be covered by most auto insurance policies as long as you have full coverage insurance. It will not be covered if you only have liability or basic coverage.

If I have basic auto insurance coverage in Reno, is it sufficient for driving in Anchorage, Alaska?

Yes, If you have made auto insurance coverage in Reno, it is valid throughout US.

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Progressive offers good auto insurance coverage in Arizona.