It is the fault of the person who fell.
A person who is at fault is commonly referred to as the "responsible party" or the "party at fault."
their fault because they werent in the cross walk
Usually the person in back, but the police will do an investigation as well as the insurance company to determine fault.
Whether the car is insured is not important, the point is who was at fault in causing the accident, it could be the person whose car is insured that is at fault.
it is the person who pulls out on your street
It is called double-fault when you miss both of your serves. You lose a point then.
The person who drove their car into the parked car.
the person who opened the door
When people get a divorce that does not place blame on either person is called no-fault divorce!
If a person hits a parked car, usually the driver of the moving vehicle is at fault. However, state laws might vary. Both were violating laws at the time.