if the car b pulls in out of no where and with out the signal is car b fault
All entries into a roadway should be treated as a stop sign. The vehicle entering the road is the vehicle that should be defensive. If the car B was not speeding or driving erratically, there is no fault there.
their fault because they werent in the cross walk
the person who opened the door
if you where paying attention when you turned then it the other pesons falt but if you weren't then is your fault.
A car in reverse is almost always at fault if it gets in a collision, unless you can prove that the other vehichle was driving recklessly.
It's the fault of the other driver. If the police were not present there isn't much either of you can do. If it was a fairly serious accident and damage done to the vehicles, police were at the scene they would know whose fault it was. Usually damage down the side of the car or a rear-ender is a good sign you weren't at fault and the other driver was.
not sure what you mean by "someone opens their car door is hit", but usually, the person speeding is at fault. He IS speeding afterall, which is illegal in the first place..Disagree: It is the responsiblity of the person opening the car door to ascrtain if there is oncoming traffic and it is safe to do so. It may be YOUR contention that the oncoming car was speeding - how are you going to prove it?The possible result (from a law enforcement perspective) - the person whose door was struck could be ticketed and (if insured) the insurance companies will probably fight it out between themselves.
It's not your fault. It was the person who was speeding.ANOTHER VIEW: Sorry, but it is your fault. The person pulling into traffic is responsible for doing so cautiously and safely. Your contention that the other car was speeding is going to be difficult or impossible to prove, and you should be an experienced enough driver to be able to gauge the speed of oncoming traffic.
It would be your fault, because you don't have the right to pull out right away. The car on the street does have the right to keep going though. You are supposed to wait until there is a gap in traffic .
It is the fault of the person who fell.
More info-- one driver was speeding down a residential street late for work and hit a parked car's slightly open door and ripped it off. The parked car driver had a license and coverage but it was a new lease and had not yet added the new car to the policy. The in-motion driver had current coverage but no drivers license. Both claim the other is At Fault. Who is more screwed?