Fixing a car with insurance money depends on a few things. If you are At Fault and file an insurance claim, it is likely your premiums will be higher for the next few years. The severity of the damage may determine your decision. If it is a small issue, or one that does not affect the performance of the vehicle, it may be one that you just decide to live with. Also, if your deductible is high or the cost of the repairs is low, it may not be cost effective to use insurance money. An older model may not be monetarily worth fixing if it is a small issue either.
Occasionally people have car wrecks or sudden hospitalizations. Most of them do not have the ability to get the money needed to pay to get the car fixed or to replace the car. Most do not have the money to pay the hospital charges. If enough people put enough money into insurance, then when one wrecks a car or one gets sick, there will be money to pay the bills.
Your employment status should have no bearing on your insurance claim.
You hit the other car, so yes, you need to pay to have the other car fixed. Your insurance should do this. If not, it is out of your pocket.
It is good to tell your insurance company within 24 hours of the accident. This way you can receive money from your insurance company soon so you can get your car fixed.
fixed expenses
As long as you do not have a lien on your vehicle (still owe money on the car or truck) then you may do what you wish with the money. It is not required that you repair the vehicle and is your decision.
You should get rental car insurance just to be on the safe side. You could end up saving a lot of money just by being extra careful and covering yourself with insurance.
Sure will if you turn it into the insurance to be fixed.
The other parties liability should if it was their fault. Your liability should cover the vehicle you damaged.
Before taking out classic car insurance, you should first consider making sure it is fixed up. Get a mechanic to look at it, repaint it if needed and get it appraised so that you can insure it for the right price.
you should be able to get any type of car insurance you need. because Pennsylvania is a no fault state so disability should not matter when choosing from the different insurance companys. The reason I know this is because I was hit by another motorist whom ran a light and I still had to pay to get my car fixed