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Sure will if you turn it into the insurance to be fixed.

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Q: If you damage your own car will your insurance go up?
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Does your insurance cover you in your friend's car?

Yes, some of your own automobile insurance can cover you while driving your friends car. The coverage that your friend has on the car will be the primary coverage and then if that coverage is insufficient for the damage caused then you can go to your own policy for additional coverage.

Would your insurance premium go up if you rear-end someone and your own damage is a few thousand but there is none on others?

If you file a claim with your insurance company for your own damage (if you have collision insurance) yes...probably.

If you get in an accident while driving a friend's car will her car insurance go up or just yours?

In my experience, if someone drives my car and get in an accident, I think he or her insurance has to pay for the damage of the other party and mine pays for the damage of my car. However, her insurance should go up, but not mine because I am not the one who drive at the time the accident occurs.

How I can claim Car insurance for the Physical Damage of my car?

You need to contact the claims department and they will have you go to the shop of their choice.

If a car crash is caused by ice will your insurance go up?

if i was backing out of my own driveway and slid on ice and hit a relatives car will my insurance go up

What do you need to get car insurance?

Mostly because most states won't give you a tag for your car without you having liability insurance on the car. if you cause a wreck the insurance pays for the damage you caused and if you don't have enough coverage the injured party may go to court and sue you for some more money. Liability insurance does not pay for damage to your car. To get insurance you have to have a drivers license. If you get checked at a road block and have no insurance your car goes to jail and you may also. Comprehensive insurance pays for damage to your car. You have a twenty thousand dollar car and wreck it or someone else wrecks it then you get it repaired by the insurance company.

If the insurance does not sufficiently cover the cost of your car who should you go after in small claims court?

It depends on who caused the damage, and what the agreement with insurance is.

Do you have to go through car insurance by law if the accident is on your own land?


What is the procedure for sueing when you damage a gate?

go to small claims or take it up with the drivers car insurance.

Do you have to have insurance on a car?

Yes, it is mandatory to have a car insurance if you own a car. To gain the right to drive on public roads, you need to get your car insured before you make the purchase. Visit turtlemint to go through various options of car insurance.

Can a 17 year old own a car solo?

Yes, if you have a g license. But be prepared for a pricey insurance, especially if you are a guy. The faster the car can go, the higher the insurance will be.

If you are put on your daughters car insurance policy now and you want your own insurance later will you have a problem getting it in the future?

Being listed as a driver on one auto policy will not hurt you when you go to get your own policy. If you have a car that you own, and you are listing that on your policy, you should be very careful as you cannot insure a vehicle you do not own. If you have an accident, you daughter's auto insurance will not cover a car that you own unless she is a co-owner on your car's title.