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Q: Do you have to go through car insurance by law if the accident is on your own land?
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Does homeowners insurance cover hospital from a car accident?

No, Homeowners insurance is for the house. it does not cover cars or car accident claims.

Had an accident which was not your fault can you still rent a car through your insurance?

That depends on the text of your insurance policy. Whatever it says in it, is what you're covered for.

Car accident bill health or car insurance?

Car insurance and possibly health insurance if the car insurance does no cover the entire bill.

If I was in a accident with someone who had insurancee in their fathers name and that insurance doesn't cover all my bill and his son got insurance through another company will that insurance kick in.?

NO. the accident happened while he had his fathers car insurance. If he switches insurance he still uses the insurance he had when he got into his accident. However, your health insurance with pick up the difference.

If you have an accident while driving another person's car will your insurance or the owner's pay the claim?

Auto Insurance follows the car not the driver. My son's girlfriend was driving his car when they where in an accident and his insurance was responsible.

If your car was in an accident and the other person driving was at fault. Who's insurance should pay for your car damage?

the insurance of the person responsible for the accident

Am I insured if I have an accident while driving some else's car?

If you have insurance yourself you are insured to drive someones car. If you have an accident your insurance will cover it.

What is pai on rental Car?

Personal Accident Insurance to cover the people in the car in case of accident.

If my name only as the owner is on a car but my daughter who has her own insurance on the car was in an accident could you be legally responsible?

No. Car insurance is insurance on the car not insurance on the driver.

If an unisured driver has an accident in your car will your insurance still cover it?

Probably. When you purchase insurance, you are insuring the car. If you drive someone else's car and have an accident, their insurance should cover the costs (but their insurance *may* sue your insurance company for compensation/reimbursement.)

Would insurance cover the accident if you were in an accident but were not on the insurance policy but you had your own vehicle and insurance on it?

If the car that was involved, in an acident was insured yea!

How does a car accident effect your insurance?

that is my question