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It depends on how the door was damaged. If it is normal wear and tear, no, its not covered. However, if the door was damaged by a covered loss (read the Perils Insured Aganist section of your policy) then the insurance company will cover the loss. Also you may want to see how much the replacement door will cost. If the cost of the door does not exceed your deductible then there is no sense in reporting the claim.

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Q: Is replacing a damaged garage door covered under home insurance policy?
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You backed your car into your garage door and damaged your car and the garage door?

it is covered by your home insurance

Does home owners insurance cover repair of garage doors?

If your garage doors were damaged by a covered peril as defined by your home insurance policy then the door would be covered.

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Does homeowner insurance cover repairs for a garage door or even replacement?

If your garage door was damaged by a covered peril such as wind, hail, Fire, Lightning etc, Then yes it would be covered minus your deductible. If the garage door is just old and worn due to usual wear and tear then No, that would be a maintenance issue.

What's garage liability insurance and its coverage?

Your garage insurance should be covered by home owners insurance or renters insurance. I am not sure you would need liability insurance in a garage though, because no one else would be hurt in there.

Will homeowners insurance cover a damaged car by the garage door?

No, You'll have to seek coverage for the Car under you Auto Insurance Policy. Now if the garage door was damaged then your Homeowners policy may fix it if it is below your deductible.

Does homeowners insurance cover storage for a corvette stored in garage?

No. Vehicles are covered under an Auto Insurance Policy, Not a Home Insurance Policy.

Where can contents insurance be obtained for tools stored in a garage?

I have my contents covered on my home owners policy.

Will homeowner insurance cover a retaining wall which is damaged from a fallen tree which fell on my detached garage?

If the tree fell due to a covered cause it will pay for the wall as well as the garage. If the tree was dead and should have been cut down before then you may have a cause of neglect which would not be covered. If a live tree was blown over due to a storm then you have coverage. Losses must be due to a covered cause and be "sudden and accidental".

If my wife hits our garage with our trailer what insurance pays for the damages Auto or Home?

It depends on what is damaged, but most probably home and contents

Does Garage Keepers Insurance cover non-collision damage to vehicle specifically engine failure due to diesel runaway?

No, it would not cover damage of that nature. Garage Keepers insurance provides protection in case a vehicle is damaged by fire, theft, vandalism or collision.

Will home owners insurance cover attached garage if it falls down from bad weather?

If the garage is attached to your home then it would be covered under Coverage A of your policy. If the damage was caused by a bad storm then more than likely the damage would be covered under your policy. If you have a HO-3 policy then the damage should be covered. Call you agent and ask him/her to review your policy to determine if the damage is covered before you call your insurance company.