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it is covered by your home insurance

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Q: You backed your car into your garage door and damaged your car and the garage door?
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You backed your car into your garage door?

make a claim on your home insurance or just get a new door

Will homeowners insurance cover a damaged car by the garage door?

No, You'll have to seek coverage for the Car under you Auto Insurance Policy. Now if the garage door was damaged then your Homeowners policy may fix it if it is below your deductible.

Would would I be able to purchase an overhead garage door?

My daughter is beginning to learn how to drive a car. She accidentally backed up into the overhead garage door which means it needs to be repaired. Where can I buy a new overhead garage door?

What are the nouns in the sentence the car in the garage rolled straight through the garage door without stopping?

car, garage,door,

How do you fix the sentence '' even though the car backed in the wall it was not damaged '' into a vague pronoun?

A vague pronoun is a pronoun that lacks a clear antecedent.In the sentence, "Even though the car backed in the wall it was not damaged.", it's not clear which noun the pronoun 'it' represents. The car was not damaged or the wall was not damaged. The pronoun 'it' is the vague pronoun.The sentence must be revised to show which noun the pronoun 'it' replaces. Examples:The car was not damaged even though it backed into the wall.The wall was not damaged even though the car backed into it.

How do you program your car to garage door opener without remote?

how do you program your car to garage door without remote

What are the nouns in The car in the garage rolled straight through the garage door without stopping?

The car in the garage rolled straight through the garage door without stopping.the second "garage" is not a noun, it is an adjective because it describes the word "door"

Can a Tahoe fit in a one car garage?

It would depend on the size of the one car garage and garage door opening.It depends on the size of the garage. Not all one car garages are the same size.

Can a car be repossessed if it is parked in the garage when the garage door is open?


Garage door opener in the car is programmed but I am selling the car and you need to remove the programming and I do not know how to do that?

You nedd to do a restting of the openers to the garage door. just don't include the car.

You backed into someones car door in a car park what to do?

Leave a note telling what happened and how you can be contacted

Your brother n law left his car in drive and it damaged your garage door Whose insurance pays?

So he left his car in the drive way, but I would like to know how did it damage your garage door. Was he parked underneath the garage door while it was open? Did he park too close to the door? Seriously, you need to think before you ask questions like this.If he hit the door then he would be the one paying. But if you knew the car was already there, parked near the garage door, that is your own stupidity for opening the door while the car is sitting there. I think someone is having issues with his in laws and needs to grow up and use his own insurance or ask to split the costs. Sounds like it is 50-50 faults, but one really never knows because of they way the question is stated.