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You really cannot have a policy issued without the insured person knowing it as they will have to sign the policy as it is a legal contract. If you sign their name you have committed a felony of forgery and this is illegal.

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Q: Is it illegal to insure someone else's car in their name and drive car in your name?
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Can you insure someone elses vehicle if they live in the same household?

Yes you can.

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No,it is rude and illegal to rip someone elses' campaign poster.

In California can you insure a vehicle that is registered in someone elses name?

General principle of insurance is that you can't insure something in which you don't have an interest.

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The owner of the car has to register the vehicle. The person on the registration must insure the vehicle, or be listed to drive that vehicle on a family policy. That example sounds close to insurance fraud so please correct the situation. Sell the car to the other person and they have to insure it. Actually it is 100% legal for a person to insure a vehicle registered in someone elses name so long as nothing illegal is going can be the parents etc.....

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No. This is done all the time by creditors.

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