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In almost all cases if one vehicle hits a vehicle from behind the rear vehicle is At Fault. There are some extreme instances in which that is not the case, but it is a case by case basis.

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Q: Is it always your fault if you hit someone from behind?
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Who is at fault when a car is hit from behind?

If you are hit from behind it is usually always the guy that hit you that is at fault unless you were in reverse backing up

Are you at fault if you hit someone from behind who stopped in the middle of the street and the started to back up?

If they wern't going backwards when you hit them you are at fault.

Who is at fault in a rear end collision approaching a stop light?

If you hit someone from behind it is automatically your fault.

If it is a clear day and you are hit from behind with your flashers going who is at fault?

Unless you are backing up, a rear-end collision is almost always the fault of the person who hits you from behind.

Who at fault if a driver cut you off and stop and you hit him from behind?

you are, because you hit him/her from behind, you must ALWAYS leave enough room between the car in front of you and yourself.

Who is at fault when your car is hit from behind at a railroad crossing?

The car that hit you from behind.

You changed lanes and hit someone is it your fault?

Yes, it probably would. If you changed lanes and you bump in to someone in front of you, you were not looking. The same for if you bumped into someone behind you.

Someone has pulled into my driveway and i don't see him and hit him with the rearend of my car who is at fault?

The operator of the backing vehicle is always at fault hen a stationary object is struck.

If you hit a car from behind is it legally your fault?


Do it depend on where you hit someone when backing up to determine who's at fault?

Yes i think that if you are hit in the foot its their fault if you are hit in the stomach, its your fault.

Who is at fault when the car behind you hits another car thinking that you are going to hit them as you reverse Incidentally I did not hit their car?

It is their fault.

What happens if you are hit from behind in a no fault state?

Typically the person who hit you pays. If they don't have insurance, your no fault insurance will pay for it.