Yes: Your spouse/children can be included on your insurance policy regardless of who was/if there was a cosigner on the car.
You will also be liable for any deficiency balance
No. A cosigner's only obligation is the debt incurred by signing the lending agreement.
If the person the co signer was signing for died they would not be liable for the remaining amount due. Also the other way around if the cosigner dies then the car would be paid for after death, but there would probably be two different plans for that.
When you cosign for an automobile purchase you are typically liable for an automobile repossession in Michigan. The reason why is because you are responsible for car payments as a cosigner if the primary debtor cannot pay.
The owner of the car is liable for the accident itself and the damage. However, the insurance company might have to pay for it, depending on the owners insurance cover.
The insurance reuire by your lender.
Yes. If the signer defaults on the loan, then you, as the cosigner, would be liable.
If you only carry liability insurance, that is all that the insurance company is liable for in this state.
Yes. You signed the loan agreement, so you are liable.
i was rear ended in a 3 car pile up on the highway, whos insurance is liable for my car repairs