i was rear ended in a 3 car pile up on the highway, whos insurance is liable for my car repairs
In a chain reaction automobile accident one crash causes multiple one. For example, when car a hits car b, car b moves forward and hits car c. This reaction happens with multiple cars and can be dangerous.
The person that is responsible for the accident.
The owner of the car is liable for the accident itself and the damage. However, the insurance company might have to pay for it, depending on the owners insurance cover.
The fault lies with the vehicle that cause the accident. When someone borrows a car, the car owner can be liable because the allowed someone to drive the vehicle. Often this type of accident has to be sorted out in court.
Who is the owner of the car your adult daughter was driving, you or her? If you, you can both be liable. Her as the driver, and you as the owner of the vehicle
The friend who took the car and got into the accident, if the accident is caused by the car's un-roadworthiness.
the person that owns the car
Typically the person that rear-ends the car is the driver sited for the accident. Usually, for following too closely. It is very rare that the front driver is sited and/or held liable for the accident.
Depends on your condition
This is like a trick question. There are many factors to consider during a three car accident as all can be at fault. In this case it's best to be specific about what kind of three car accident it is. Is it a straight chain reaction or did the three of them colided all at the same point at the same time?
Obviously Car B and Car C wouldn't have been involved if Car A hadn't started the chain reaction.