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It depends on the state you reside in. If permitted you would need to be bonded by having a certain amount of money "locked" in an account that you would have no access to unless you were to insure your vehicle by normal means.

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Q: Instead of buying auto insurance can an individual legally be self insured for their vehicles and if so how do you do that?
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Do you have to have insurance to reinstate your license?

Only VEHICLES are required to be insured, not individual drivers.

Can you be insured if you have Hepatitus C?

Individual Health Insurance

Can you Have A Registered car but have someone else on the insurance?

Only your insurance company can answer that - mine does... I have insured vehicles that were not in my name and insured vehicles in my name for other drivers - Geico... I have also loaned vehicles that were in collisions and they still covered them even though I did not specifically "add a driver".

Can you buy insurance if you do not own a car but drive a car which belongs to someone else who is not insured?

The vehicle is insured not the individual. You can pay for and obtain the insurance in the name of the owner with you listed as an insured operator.

Can I get a discount for my business auto insurance if I list my private vehicles on same policy or can I do so?

You can get a discount if you have your personal vehicles insured with the same company that your business vehicles are insured with. This called multi-lines discount and can result in substantial savings.

What is insurance retention?

An insurance retention is the portion of an insurance claim paid by the insured instead of the insurance company. A deductible is a common example of a retention although there are other types of retentions. Retentions allow the insured to reduce insurance premiums whileassuming a portion of the risk being insured.

Can you drive a car if you don't have insurance but the car does you have a License?

All drivers are required by law to carry proof of Financial Responsibility. So if you are an insured driver under the terms of the Auto Insurance Contract then you are covered to drive it. If you are not an insured under the terms of that policy then you are not covered. Remember, Vehicles do not drive themselves and vehicles do not carry insurance, People do. Auto Insurance Is to cover the losses and legal liabilities of the Insured.

Do you have to have car to get insurance?

No, you can get a named insured policy that just covers you and possible vehicles you may drive.

What kinds of insurance is offered by Fleet Insurance?

Fleet Insurance is actually a kind of insurance. This would be for people or companies that have more than a few vehicles that need to be insured. Such as a delivery company.

What happens if an uninsured driver causes an accident in an insured car?

Vehicles are insured not drivers. If you are qualified and authorized to operate an auto the insurance on it will pay for it and any damage done by it.

What exactly is an insurance quote?

An insurance quote is an offer of coverage at the quoted price. It is made by an insurance agent after tailoring a policy to the insured's individual needs.

If someone who does not have insurance drives your car and gets in an accident is your car still insured for damage to other vehicles and yours?
