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Vehicles are insured not drivers. If you are qualified and authorized to operate an auto the insurance on it will pay for it and any damage done by it.

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Q: What happens if an uninsured driver causes an accident in an insured car?
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In the state of Texas If an uninsured person driving a borrowed car causes an auto accident does the driver or the owner of the car pay for the accident?

Some states are different, but in Michigan, the company who insured the car is responsible. They can then go after the uninsured driver Some states are different, but in Michigan the company who insured the car is responsible. They can then go after the driver .

What if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving an insured drivers car causes an accident with bodily injury?

The injury would most likely not be covered under your auto because you let an unlicensed driver drive your vehicle when they cannot legally drive.

Would uninsured motorist coverage apply if a deer runs out in front of your car and causes an accident?


What to do when an uninsured driver causes an accident?

Well assuming the driver wasn't taken to jail you do have legal rights. Contact an attorney to discuss your options pertaining to your specific case.

Who is liable if an uninsured driver borrows a car and causes an accident?

unless the person stole it then the owner is responsible. the uninsured person might be covered under the owners policy as extra driver though.

What happens when an unlicensed driver causes an accident?

they get in jail for not having a licence and driving.

If an uninsured car hits your car and causes damage what happens to you?

You are stuck with the bill. You can sue the person who hit you if you know who they are and if they are really who they are. Good luck

What happens if your unlicensed son causes an accident?

You could be held responsible for any and all damages.

What if a unsured licensed driver is driving an insured car and causes an accident?

Very simple, the insurance policy follows the vehicle not the driver. In this case, the vehicle insurer will be responsible for all damages.

When you do not have any insurance AND the person who took your car without permission has no insurance and causes an accident who is responsible of the other parties damages?

You hope that the other driver responsible in the crash has insurance that covers uninsured drivers and then you sue your friend!

Driving a car off the lot with no drivers license or insurance?

no it is against the law for an unlicensed and uninsured driver to purchase and drive a car off the dealer's lot. The dealer will be held accountable, if this person has or causes an accident that takes someone's life.

What are the ramifications for a mother who lets her adult son drive her insured vehicle In other words how will it affect her if he is at fault in an accident which causes a great deal of damage?

typcially all insurance stays with the car...meaning whomever is driving your vehicle (with your permission, and subject to any exclusions your policy may have) insured under the policy if they have an at fault accident, it affects THAT VEHICLE policy regardless of who is the ramifications are your son has an accident that is his fault...your policy is subject to increase, non renewal etc.