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Falling asleep or losing concentration due to boredom.

Take frequent breaks on long jouneys.

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Q: Inherent risk while driving on a freeway is?
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Related questions

Which risk is an integral part of everyday life?

Risk of accidents while driving is an integral part of everyday life for many people, as driving is a common activity with inherent risks.

What is the risk of Safety while driving?

the risk is the probability of injury

What are the life threatening casualties that can happen while riding a Honda 350X?

There are no additional life threatening casualties that can happen while riding a Honda 350X. Driving or riding cars always carry the inherent risk of injury or death resulting from accidents or crashes.

Which activity causes the greatest risk of driving fatalities?

The correct answer is : drinking and driving

What are the three components of Audit risk?

Inherent Risk, Control Risk and Detection Risk

How do you use inherent in a sentence?

There was determination inherent in his terse instructions to the workers. Mountain climbing has an inherent risk of injury or death.

Risk while driving is defined as the probability of?

injury injury

Is Drinking while driving is an example of a hereditary risk factor?

Drinking while driving is NOT an example of a hereditary risk factor-it's just stupid. Areas which are considered a health risk factor include heredity, lifestyle and environment. While many health risk factors are controllable, you cannot control hereditary factors.

The analysis of a situation to determine the level of risk inherent in that situation is called?

risk assessment

Drinking while driving is an example of a hereditary risk factor?


How can a person with epilepsy learn how to drive?

As a seizure can happen at any time, someone who is driving at the time is obviously a potential risk. Different countries have different laws relating to driving and epilepsy. Someone who has any history of epilepsy is often barred for life from driving something like a bus and there is no way they could ever get a pilot license. For a car, it is often a case that they have to be clear of seizures for a period of time, like a year or two, before they will be allowed to get a driving license. A truck being a larger vehicle, poses a larger potential risk on a road, so the law would be stricter, but that depends on where someone is. It differs from one place to another. You would need to check with the laws where you are.

What is inherent risk?

Usually it is risk that cannot be diminished (by additional safety measures) or avoided.