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Yes they can. They can also sue you in a civil case. Remember, a major reason for having the insurance is to financially protect others from your wrong doing.

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Q: If you are involved in an accident that is your own fault with an uninsured driver can the uninsured driver and its passengers claim on your insurance although clearly they have broken the law?
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If teenager isn't on insurance are they covered by parents policy?

NO, All drivers are required to carry insurance and be scheduled on an auto insurance policy. if he's not on the policy then he is not a covered driver. Although your company may be required to pay for an accident in which your uninsured teenager is involved. they would not be paying because he was covered, but rather they would have to pay due to the parents negligence in failing to obtain proper insurance for their teenage child and because they allowed the uninsured child to drive the vehicle. The insurer is often liable to pay for the negligence of the insured. Don't confuse this though with an assumption that the uninsured child was somehow covered simply because the insurer had to pay.

If someone is driving your car and you do not have them on your insurance and they get into accident are you covered?

Although it depends on your insurance, the driver is covered if driving with your permission.

If you are involved in an accident and have auto liability insurance and the other driver does not what are your rights?

Liability insurance for drivers is a requirement in the state of Mississippi. The other party involved in this accident does not have insurance. I do have liability insurance. The accident was not reported although law enforcement was called and an accident report was completed. The other party now wants me to fix her automobile. What are my rights in this situation?

Can the uninsured motorist coverage in a hit and run accident in California cover the victim?

Yes it can, although it might be subject to your deductible depending on the type of optional coverage you have. Uninsured motorist coverage is nice because it protects you from other drivers who either have no insurance or whose policy limits might be too low to cover damages to you and your vehicle. It is also relatively cheap compared to other optional coverages!

Should you get uninsured motorist insurance?

Unfortunately, yes. Although the laws require every motorist to have adequate insurance coverage in order to register their vehicles, some will do just that and once they receive their current vehicle license, drop the insurance simply because they cannot afford it and eat, too. You should also get "under-insured" motorist coverage too ... some may have the absolute minimal insurance that simply will not cover enough of the expenses that are incurred by accident victims.

What is a auto insurance?

Auto insurance is a kind of insurance that helps you cover the costs resulting from a car accident or auto problem. Every state in the U.S. requires drivers to carry at least some auto insurance, although the exact amount varies by state. There are two basic kinds of auto insurance: insurance that covers first party damage (which is damage to your car or injuries to people in your car) and insurance that covers third party damage (i.e., damage or injuries to another driver's car or passengers, or any property you damage in an accident which doesn't belong to you.) Most insurance policies contain both of these types of coverage.

Who is at fault for insurance purposes in a hit and run and I was the victim?

In a case that is like this, the insurance company can pay under uninsured motorist and attempt to collect when the hit and run driver is found. Although it is not your fault the insurance company will keep a record and note if you have a repeat of this happening.

Can the insurance company make you pay for accident without police report?

Yes, of course. If you are liable for the damages you are required by law to cover the losses. Having a police report or not having a police report has no bearing on your liability and resulting financial responsibilities. Although most minor accidents do not merit a police report, the insurance companies recommend an accident report be filed whenever possible to document the occurrence and protect the drivers and the company from individuals who may later try to shirk their financial responsibilities. If you have insurance then your insurance company will cover the loss for you up to your policy limits. If you are uninsured then you are required to pay the damages yourself.

Do you have to report an accident in a private parking lot?

No, although if you don't report it the insurance company typically won't pay for repairs.

Which insurance in USA offers accident sickness and unemployment cover?

Most insurance companies in the USA offer accident, sickness and unemployment coverage. This is generally referred to as the "ASU cover". Although it's usually quite expensive, this insurance can provide anywhere from 50% to 75% of someone's monthly income in case something happens.

If your trying to get insurance for the first time and you were involved in an accident with a company car under there insurance and it was not your fault do you still have to tell the insurance polic?

I had a minor at fault accident with a company vehicle. I provided my current car ins co with a letter from my old car ins co stating that they did not pay a claim on this accident. My new ins company accepted it and ignored the accident. You can do as above although it is best to tell insurance about all incidnets just in case other wise any undisclosed information could invalidate claims

How does free auto insurance benefit people?

Unfortunately, there is no free car insurance. Although, one can purchase auto insurance at a cheap price. Auto insurance is used in case of an accident. It helps pay for the damage done to the vehicle and/or the person(s) in the vehicle.