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Yes, but they'd need to advise their carrier that you will be driving the vehicle on a regular vehicle. This is particularly true if you live with your parents.

If they don't, it might be considered misrepresentation, which can cause all sorts of coverage problems if you have an accident.

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Q: If your parents can no longer drive but still own the car should they keep the insurance on it for you to use?
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How much are you paying for car insurance?

nothing. i drive and have a permit but my parents pay the insurance. :D

Can I carry the insurance on a car that is financed in my spouses name if he is no longer able to drive?

You should check with your insurance agent how you should carry the insurance on a car not financed in your name. Each of the 50 states in the United States has its own insurance regulations. Each state requires its agents to know the insurance regulations.

Can a restricted driver drive while not on parents' insurance?

If you have your own. Otherwise it is illegal to drive without insurance...and if you cause an accident and dont have insurance to pay for it you will be in really really big trouble.

When can you stop paying car insurance and why?

You can stop paying car insurance when a) you no longer drive or b) you no longer own a car. You should always have car insurance if you're an active driver because you never know what could happen on the road. Insurance will handle most of your paperwork and deal with repairs, rentals, towing, etc.

Should parents text and drive?

no they should not

Do you need insurance to learn to drive?

To learn, no. But you need insurance once you become a licensed driver, or you need to be covered under your parents insurance. In most if not all states, it is against the law to drive without insurance.

Can your teenage granddaughter drive your car without being insured on her parents insurance?

As long as she has your permission, she can drive the vehicle and she will be covered. If she drives it more than a few times, you should add her to the policy.

If you drive your parents car but you don't live with them and you get in an accident will their insurance cover you?

Sometimes. Sometimes insurance covers whoever is driving a particular car, and sometimes insurance covers a driver no matter whose car they are driving (as long as they have the car owner's permission). You should probably check with your insurance company to be sure, or have your parents call and ask them.

Are parents required to add children to auto insurance in CA.?

No, not if they don't drive.

Can I get insurance for myself on a car owned by my parents that I drive if i don't live with them?


Can you drive your parents car with a permit if you are not on their insurance and they're not with you?

NO, that would be against the law.

Can you drive your parents car with a permit if you are not on their insurance?

if you have licence, and you have permission to driver the car, then you can drive the car,but laws change from state to state,so in some countries, insurance is compulsory to drive the car