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NO, that would be against the law.

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Q: Can you drive your parents car with a permit if you are not on their insurance and they're not with you?
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How much are you paying for car insurance?

nothing. i drive and have a permit but my parents pay the insurance. :D

Do your parents need to upgrade their insurance for you to drive their car with a learners permit?

It's not usually necessary to declare you as a driver with the learner's permit. That comes when you get your license and can drive indepentently.

Can you drive your parents car with a permit if you are not on their insurance?

if you have licence, and you have permission to driver the car, then you can drive the car,but laws change from state to state,so in some countries, insurance is compulsory to drive the car

Do you need insurance to drive with only your permit?

YES! You are driving. You have to have insurance. absolutely. it does not matter what stage of driving you are at, you must have insurance. you can get pulled over and be ticketed on your permit. you can also get into an accident while driving on a permit. all of the above are logically reasons that you must have insurance to drive on a permit. in fact, i am surprised that you were not asked to show proof of insurance to obtain a permit. so in short, yes you do need insurance to drive on a permit.

How old do you have in mo to drive a car?

at least 16 or when you get you permit when you get your permit you can not drive with anyone but your parents.

Do you need car insurance if you have a permit?

In order to drive a car, you must have insurance. You do not have to have insurance with a permit if you're not planning on driving the car.

Do you need to be listed on your parents car insurance policy as soon as you get your learners permit?

The insurance company stipulates, any household member that can drive. It doesn't say how often so yes.

Do most insurers require parents or guardians to pay premiums for a minor driver with a permit?

Yes, most insurers require parents or guardians to pay premiums for a minor driver with a permit. In most cases, insurance rates will rise if a minor resides in the home who is of driving age, whether they acquire a permit to drive or not.

If you are 18 in CA and you have a driving permit and you're covered by insurance can't you drive alone?

No. A permit is not a license.

If you have a PA permit and live at home do you need to have insurance?

You don't need insurance, but the car that you drive does.

Do you have to be on your father's insurance if you have a learner's permit but only drive his car one weekend every 4 weeks?

It is my understanding that the minor/permit holder does not have to go on their parents insurance, but is covered by their parents---they can not drive alone. You have to put them on your insurance within 30 days of them becoming licensed. Bottom line-- the parents insurance does not go up until the teen has their license. This sounds like a case of divorced Dad visits--- in which case the teen does not have to be listed on his Dad's insurance as a driver, because he does not reside with him. If Dad's is legal residence, he has to be listed. ( I live in Massachusetts, all the info I just gave came from experience.)

Can a 16 year old with a learner's permit drive without insurance?

Yes but when you get your operator`s license you would be charged with insurance and you can not drive without insurance