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You are entitled to the value of your car the day it was hit. If you have a 1 day old car, the purchase price (within reason) is probably close. i say that only if you bought car at a good retail price, if a dealer sold you a 2005 Ford pick up for $85,000 and it retails for $25,000 an insurance company will not pay you $85,000 because you were taken before. On the other hand if you bought a $25,000 car 10 years ago and the value is now $4500, you are owed $4500. Most insurance companies use common book values and get a range of value.

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Q: If your car was hit and then totaled when the other driver is at fault what are you entitled to in terms of settlement?
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If you accept the settlement from the insurance company, the van is theirs. If you want to keep it, they will let you, but will reduce the settlement check by the salvage value of the vehicle. Not true. Illinois law to deter chop shops states if the vechicle is totalled, the insurance compnay takes possession after issueing a check for the value. Vehicle has to be 9 or less years old.

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The settlement would depend on the situation. If it is from a auto accident the settlement would depend on the limits of the at fault driver of the limit on the under of uninsured limits of the non fault driver.

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It is the fault of driver who was initially at fault. In this case it would be the driver of the first car, because it was because of him that the second car hit the third. if the car is totaled, that's the driver's problem

Do you have to have liability for the other driver at fault to pay for your totaled vehicle?

If you want to collect otherwise you need a lawyer to sue for damages

If you get into an accident and the other driver is at fault and your car is totaled of course his insurance will pay but if they pay the deductible who gets it?

There is no deductible for liability claims.

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The person who hit the car, if "at fault" would be responsible. If the person driving your car was the one at fault, then it would be your insurance that would have to cover it.

Can a passenger in a vehicle sue driver of that vehicle?

Yes. If the passenger is hurt in an accident caused by the driver, the passenger is fully entitled to sue the driver. In fact even if the passenger is a spouse of the driver, the passenger can sue.

Can you get your totaled vehicle replaced by the other driver's insurance if the accident was not your fault but you have Michigan PLPD insurance?

Yes, but proof will be necessary - determining fault. Some insurers like to mess with your head and question the "fault" and deny coverage. Get it in writing - possibly by the at-fault driver or YOUR insurance company. Here in Canada, even if you only have PLPD, if the accident is not your fault you are covered for repair, minus the deductible.

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get a good will (assuming you are at fault for this loss) be require to pay for the totaled vehicle.........

Will the insurance company pay for the damages caused by their driver if the injured victim is driving unlicensed and the car has been totaled?

Let's see if I can follow this. Insurance company A is at fault because of actions caused by driver A. Driver B who is not at fault is injured, but is unlicensed, and Auto B has been totalled. Insurance company A is going to have to pay damages to Driver B for property damage as well as for injuries because Driver A is deemed at fault. The fact that Driver B is unlicensed is a non-moving violation and Driver B will have to pay a substantial fines for these issues.