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Q: Do you have to pay deductible if car is totaled and Your at fault?
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If you get into an accident and the other driver is at fault and your car is totaled of course his insurance will pay but if they pay the deductible who gets it?

There is no deductible for liability claims.

How much will you have to pay to get your car back if it was totaled and the insurance company refuses to pay?

The insurance company will pay you the worth of your car minus your deductible.

If your loaner car was totaled and you do not have insurance what should you do?

get a good will (assuming you are at fault for this loss) be require to pay for the totaled vehicle.........

If you have car insurance and are involved in an accident that is your fault How much do you have to pay?

You have to pay whatever your deductible amount is.

If you allowed a friend to drive your car and he totaled it but his insurance company subtracted 500 from the check for the deductible why do you pay for his deductible?

Because this was an at-fault incident, the 500.00 deductible is your responsibility. You as the owner of the vehicle allowed your friend to drive the car to begin with. Your friend in all fairness should pay you the 500 dollars. Why is your friend's insurance paying you? Your own comprehensive/collision policy should pay you (less the deductible) and then "subrogate" the claim to your friend's auto or general liability insurance or sue him directly if he has no insurance and send you the deductible after they have collected.

How do you sue someone at fault in an accident if they have no insurance at all and can you sue them personally to pay for your car being totaled?

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If you are at fault in an auto accident do you have to pay the other persons deductible?

No, you have to pay your deductible.

If an accident is your fault and your car is totaled do you receive any money for your car?

That depends on what insurance coverage you have. If you bought only the state-required liability, NO. If you have full coverage you will get the book value of the car minus your deductible. If you have a loan on the car, this will probably not pay it off and you will still owe the remainder unless you also purchased "gap" insurance. Gap insurance will cover the remainder of the loan except for the deductible.

Is a deductible due when the auto is considered a total loss?

Yes, if your own insurance is paying for an accident that you were at fault for provided you had full coverage and they are paying for your car. If the accident was not your fault, no you will not pay a deductible.

Does insurance help with buying a new vehicle if your car gets totaled?

Yes, they will help, but they won't buy you a new car. Once your car is deemed totaled, the insurance company will usually pay you the value of the car before the accident minus your deductible. You can either buy back the totaled car and repair it or use the money towards a new car.

Will you have to pay the lien company the rest?

if u sold the car yes,if you totaled it the insurance should pay it off providing you had full coverage and not at fault

Who pays your deductible if the other person is at fault in Michigan no fault auto?

No fault insurance refers to injuries, not property damage. Being in a no fault state simply means that your injuries are payed for by your own insurance company regardless of who is at fault in an accident. Fault is still assigned for the purpose of determining who is responsible for property damage. It is always the at-fault party's responsibility for pay for the damage they cause to you. If you are going to have the damage for your car payed for under your collision coverage then you will have to initially pay for your deductible, unless you have broad-form collision. If you do pay your deductible then your insurance company will sue the at-fault party to recover the money that they payed to repair your car, as well as your deductible for you. This process is called subrogation.