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I rear ended someone and totaled her car, she was taken to the hospitaland my insurance did not change. I do have a driving record with no other blemishes.

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Q: If you were at fault for a minor accident and police report was filed will the insurance companies find out and increase premiums even if both sides agreed not to notify their insurances companies?
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Do insurance companies sell insurance for lost cell phones?

There are companies that will sell consumers insurance for their cell phones. Typically the continued cost of insurance would out weight the cost of a phone replacement, unless it is a frequent occurrence. As with other insurances, the frequent claims against your insurance will increase the rates or cause you to be dropped from coverage.

Are auto insurance companies in Canada allowed to raise rates because of an accident?

Yes they are, and the majority of time that is when they will raise rates, especially when you are at fault. If you were at-fault for the accident and had to make a insurance claim, then your rates will definitely increase, since you are a higher risk driver, and the insurance company had to pay out because of you. If you are in an accident that you were not at fault, then your rates should not increase but they might. Some companies again see this as you being a higher risk driver since you were in a accident, even if it wasn't your fault, so they will raise the rates. If this happens, I recommend switching insurance companies, as a good company should not do this. In either case your rates will not increase until your insurance is up for renewal. At which point, if they do increase I would recommend looking around and comparing prices from other companies

You were involved in a minor fender bender no police report was filed but insurance company will be notified Will the accident show on your driving record even though the police was not involved?

It shouldn't ... normally insurance companies do not report the accident to the police authorities unless a death is involved. However, since you reported the accident to your insurance and if you are at fault, it may cause your rates to increase.

What if someone drives your car and has an accident?

Your insurance rate will increase.

Can an auto insurance agency raise your rates if you were in an accident in Washington State?

If you have an accident wherever you are your rates will probably increase slightly for a while. An at fault accident usually counts as 3 points with most companies which would be like 2 or 3 minor speeding tickets so it would increase your rates for a while.

How much do auto insurance rates increase from an accident?

After an automobile accident the automobile insurance carrier will usually raise the rates of the liability 7-10% depending on the severity of the accident.

Would the insurance increase if the driver has an accident with learners permit?

It is possible that the insurance rate would go up if a permitted driver has an accident. Usually, raising insurance rates is not an individual decision.

Do premiums increase when your car has been vandalized?

The majority of the times if you file a claim with your insurance company, your premiums will go up, regerdless of fault. Some companies have started accident forgivness programs but are usually bigger companies with higher rates.

Will your insurance increase if you have a snow accident?

Insurance rates always increase anytime a claim is made, regardless of the cause and circumstances. That's how they make money and stay in business.

Will your insurance rate increase for failure to stop at a duly erected stop sign in North Carolins?

No, it is very likely that you insurance is going to increase for this. It will go up if you are in an accident.

Will your auto insurance increase if you get into an accident with a friend's car?

Not unless you received a violation for the accident. Otherwise it will show on your record as a not at fault accident and should not raise your rates.

Do accidents only go on your driving record if you get a ticket?

The accident will show but it will be marked as a not at fault accident and should not increase your insurance rates.