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If you have an accident wherever you are your rates will probably increase slightly for a while. An At Fault accident usually counts as 3 points with most companies which would be like 2 or 3 minor speeding tickets so it would increase your rates for a while.

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Q: Can an auto insurance agency raise your rates if you were in an accident in Washington State?
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The custodial parent.

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do you have to pay taxes on medical insurance in the state of Washington

In the State of Washington does the insurance rates of both parties involved in an accident go up?

Yes, both drivers will see an increase in premiums.

What happens if the car you borrowed was in a car accident and has no insurance accident happend in state of Washington?

You and the owner will be sued for damages, hopefully there were no injuries because if there are, your life as you now know it will be over. There is nothing more reckless than to drive a car without insurance....

Does your state require accident insurance?

Yes. In the state of California, it is required to have accident insurance. In the long run it will save time and money and also give the basic protection in case of an accident.

What government agency oversees auto insurance companies?

No federal government agency oversees the auto insurance industry. The auto insurance companies are regulated on a state-to-state basis and would be listed as an Insurance Bureau or Department of Insurance.

What companies in Washington state offer health insurance?

Several companies in the state of Washington offer health insurance. These include Washington Basic Health, LifeWise, Kaiser Permanente and Affordable Insurance.

Which agency is responsible for regulating the state boating laws in washington?

Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission

How can someone apply for physical disability insurance through a state agency?

Someone can apply for physical disability insurance through a state agency by going to the SSA website. If the person meets the application's requirements, they can get insurance.

What do you do after hitting deer in Washington state car damage?

If you have full coverage then you just call your insurer and report the accident. If you just have liability then your on your own. The deer likely has no insurance.

How long do you have to file an insurance claim after an accident?

Each state has different time periods of filing an insurance claim after an accident. Check with you state to make sure you do not miss the filing period.

Can insurance make you pay if cars behind you get in accident?

I've got a feeling there is more to this than the question states. The answer is if you caused the accident and the police and/or insurance investigator state that you caused the accident then yes you can be at fault and liabile to pay for damages. For full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Agency in Gordon, Georgia and have for 22 years. I also worked as an agent for a direct writer for 3 years before that.