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The way i remember it is the word OPPISITE if you turn it right (reverse) it will turn left!! If turning wheel left (reverse) it'll go right!! hope i helped

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Q: If you turn the steering wheel to the right while in reverse where will the rear of the car go?
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If you turn the steering wheel to the right while in reverse the rear of the car will?

Turn the steering wheel right to turn right in reverse.

If you turn the steering wheel to the right while in reverse, the rear of the car will?

The rear of the car will always go in the direction that you turned the wheel if you are in reverse. It's just like driving forward. If you want to go forward and right, turn the wheel to the right. If you are in reverse and want the rear of the car to move to the right, then turn the wheel to the right. To answer your question directly, the rear of the car will go to the right.

How do you unlock steering wheel of Honda Prelude?

To unlock the steering wheel, insert the key in the ignition, and turn the wheel hard to the left, and then the right. This will usually unlock it. If it doesn't, remove the steering wheel, and look for the plastic tabs that are sticking. Press down firmly on the tab with a screwdriver, while moving the steering wheel.

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If the steering wheel is loose while driving the steering rack may be going bad. A bad steering rack leads to a lot of play on the actual wheel.

Why do some cars have the steering wheel on the right side?

Steering wheel placement aims to put the driver closer to the middle of the road. Some countries decided differently WRT which side of the road to drive on. Cars made to be used in right-side-traffic have the steering wheels to the left, while cars made to be used in left side traffic have the steering wheel to the right.

What could cause a loud humming noise from the front passenger side when the steering wheel is turned to the right while driving?

Check your power steering pump A: check the front Left wheel bearing

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Try turning the steering wheel either to the right or left while attempting to turn the key

Why do you get a binding feeling turning left in 4wd on a 2000 GMC Jimmy?

Your 4 wheel drive may be engaged. Take out of 4 wheel drive and put it in reverse. Drive the car in reverse while turning the steering wheel all the way from one side to the other until it disengages.

What is a clockspring connectoron Dodge van?

The "clockspring" carries power for steering wheel mounted accessories from the steering column into the steering wheel while at the same time allowing the steering wheel to rotate.

Why does my 99 marquis steering wheel go to the right while im driving?

Right front tire low of air, or front end out of alignment.

Why are steering wheels on the left side of a car?

Steering wheel placement aims to put the driver closer to the middle of the road. Some countries decided differently WRT which side of the road to drive on. Cars made to be used in right-side-traffic have the steering wheels to the left, while cars made to be used in left side traffic have the steering wheel to the right.

How do you unlock your steering wheel The key will not turn?

Try pulling on the steering wheel one way or the other while you turn the key.