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Steering wheel placement aims to put the driver closer to the middle of the road. Some countries decided differently WRT which side of the road to drive on. Cars made to be used in right-side-traffic have the steering wheels to the left, while cars made to be used in left side traffic have the steering wheel to the right.

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Q: Why are steering wheels on the left side of a car?
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Why aren't steering wheels in the center of a car?

The steering wheel needs to be where the driver is sitting. Some sit on the left side of the car and some sit on the right side of the car, depending on which side the pond you live on.

How many wheels are on a car?

IGNORE THIS -four wheels two on each side + a spare tire + the steering wheel = six wheels

What side of the road would you drive on in Austria and on what side of the car is the steering wheel?

Right side of the road, left side of the car for the steering wheel.

What makes your car turn left to right?

The front wheels being moved by the steering wheels rotation. The direction that the wheels are pointing denote the direction that the car is travelling.

What side of the car is the steering wheel on Paris?

Like most of the world, France has traffic driving on the right side of the road, so the steering wheel would be on the left side of the car. Some countries (notably the UK, Ireland, Japan, Australia, South Africa, India and Pakistan) have traffic driving on the left side of the road, so they have steering wheels on the right side of the car. Occasionally, you might see a visiting UK car, with right side drive, in Paris.

What side of the car is the steering wheel on in France?

its on the left.

On What side of the car is the steering wheel in Canada?

It's on the left side.

What side of the cars in Checkoslavakia are the steering wheels?

Czechoslovakians drive on the right side of the road. The steering wheel on cars sold within that country would then be on the left. But any car, whether it is right hand or left hand drive can legally operate on any road in any country.

Which side is the car steering wheel on in china?

on the road they drive on the left. The steering wheel is on the right

What side is the steering wheel of a french car on?

A French car that is sold for use in France has the steering wheel on the left. (Left hand drive ) A french car sold for use in England has the steering wheel on the right. (Right hand drive) France drives on the right side of the raod. England drives on the left.

What side of the car is the steering wheel on in the UK?

They drive on the left side of the road and they sit towards the midline of the road. That places the steering wheel on the right side.

When steering wheel is on right side are clutch and brake pedals on left or right of steering wheel?

From left to right, the pedals always go clutch, brake, accelerator regardless of which side of the car the steering wheel is on.