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No I don't believe they will not pay, you can try but I doubt it, I couldn't get my vehicle towed per the insurance co. because my inspection was not up to date. If you are an insured with good standing they may pay. Pay your insurance first, then.........

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Q: If you hit a deer and your car's inspection has expired will your insurance still cover the repairs?
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Does home insurance usually cover repairs to storm damages?

Most homeowners insurance policies cover repairs caused by storm damage, however you will have to check your policy to be certain. Usually, you will have a fixed amount of time to claim damages.

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Repairs are maintenance and homeowners insurance is not intended to cover maintenance of your home. This is up to you to maintain your home. Insurance is made to cover sudden and accidental damage of a major cause such as fire, windstorm, lightening, and like causes.

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If you are in an accident in Texas and it is your fault will your insurance cover your car repairs?

Yes, if your policy has adequate coverage. If you have full coverage insurance, your car will be repaired completely and your portion of the repairs will be whatever your deductible is.

What do you do if your insurance claim is paid and it is not enough to cover the repairs?

This answer can be very involved. Most simply, you should attempt to get your insurance adjuster and the repairer to agree on the cost of repairs. Insurance companies issue 'supplement' payment on claims regularly.

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It covers physical damage to your car. It will pay for repairs.

If I have full coverage insurance on my car and the engine fails due to a bad mechanic does the insurance covers the repairs?

No. But if you have proof positive that the mechanic caused the damage, HIS insurance will cover the repairs. Call your local office of the State Attorney General.

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Performance Insurance seems to cover BMW and high dollar cars, It is a coverage for higher cost cars with perks such as towing and certain damage repairs.

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Will insurance cover a claim if your vehicle is unregistered and it is not your fault?

Yes, If you have proper auto insurance and the policy is in an "Active" status, Then it will be covered even if the vehicle regisration is expired.