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This answer can be very involved. Most simply, you should attempt to get your insurance adjuster and the repairer to agree on the cost of repairs. Insurance companies issue 'supplement' payment on claims regularly.

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Q: What do you do if your insurance claim is paid and it is not enough to cover the repairs?
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Does home insurance usually cover repairs to storm damages?

Most homeowners insurance policies cover repairs caused by storm damage, however you will have to check your policy to be certain. Usually, you will have a fixed amount of time to claim damages.

What happens if your property damage insurance is not enough to cover the claim?

You will be liable for the difference.

What are the conditions that apply to perpetual insurance and what does it cover?

Perpetual insurance is most commonly used for homeowners insurance but can also be used for fire insurance. The most frequent conditions are that the insurer must make enough money to cover the losses in the event of a claim.

Does homeowners' insurance cover foundation repairs?

No. Unless the foundation problem happened because of an earthquake or flood (and you have insurance to cover both catastrophic events), then your insurance will not cover something that has degenerated with time.

Will a prior insurance company cover a homeowners claim?

So long as you can establish the loss occurred during the term of the prior insurance policy, yes they will cover the claim.

Does homeowners policy cover the cost of plumbing repairs?

Repairs are maintenance and homeowners insurance is not intended to cover maintenance of your home. This is up to you to maintain your home. Insurance is made to cover sudden and accidental damage of a major cause such as fire, windstorm, lightening, and like causes.

Will homeowners insurance cover pool plaster repairs?

wear and tear, deterioration is not covered

If you are in an accident in Texas and it is your fault will your insurance cover your car repairs?

Yes, if your policy has adequate coverage. If you have full coverage insurance, your car will be repaired completely and your portion of the repairs will be whatever your deductible is.

Does home owners insurance cover someone hitting your mailbox?

Yes, it will cover that minus your deductible,, However you should first check to see what your deductible is. Most mailboxes are pretty cheap and likely far below the cost of your policy deductible. No point in filing an insurance claim if the cost of repairs is below your deductible.

Does renters insurance cover loss of furniture due to landlords negligence?

Yes it would but if it were due to the landlords negligence his liability insurance would cover the loss. Your insurance co will chase the claim against his for you. Place a claim with them.

Deciding Whether to File an Auto Insurance Claim?

Insurance is for those major emergencies. It is designed to help you pay for repairs you might not otherwise be able to afford. It is not designed for small problems that are simple to fix. Before filing any auto insurance claim, be sure to consider the actual cost of the claim and whether you can afford to cover it. When too many claims are filed the insurance company will raise rates to offset your expenses. Don't open yourself up for a rate hike by claiming a $100 repair. When it comes to auto insurance claims, you are usually better off tending to the small repairs on your own to keep the rates as low as possible.

Car damaged while in the garage can you claim for the repairs?

If the garage did the damage then they are held reliable for the repairs. Yes your insurance will cover it, but you may want to ask them how to keep it off your record and get them to fix it. I would recommend that you first talk to the shop and if they dont work with you then talk to a lawyer and see what they say.