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As long as you were driving the vehicle with the owner's permission, and the owner's policy doesn't have any conditions or exclusions regarding an actual licensed driver (which is rare), then "yes," the owner's policy should cover you.

Generally speaking, the insurance follows the car. Since the owner paid an insurance company money to have the coverage, his insurance would be primary for a loss.

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Q: If you have a permit and you drive someone else's car and crash it does their insurance cover you in Massachusetts?
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Whose insurance covers you if you drive a friend's car but only have a learners permit and your parents have the same insurance company?

I hope you're asking this before you need to know, not after.In most cases the insurance is on the car, not the driver, so it would be the car owner's insurance. Generally, the insurance will cover someone driving with the owner's permission, but there could be an exclusion for someone with a learner's permit. You and your friend should know before you drive the car. If we have a driver's license and covered under an insurance company for our car, can we still drive a friends car which is covered under a different insurance company. And which company will cover the car in this scenario.

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Your auto insurance will cover your son while on a lerners permit. Check with your company as some require that he be listed as a driver and you must pay premium while others do not require that he be listed until he gets his regular license. If you insurance is telling you that there is no coverage while he is on the permit then you need a different insurance company.

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You home owners liability insurance should cover it.

What if someone is driving your car and they get into an accident and do not have car insurance?

Do you have car insurance? Yours will cover it. Your friend if he is a true friend, will cover the deductible.

If someone hits you will insurance cover it or do you pay deducable?

Hopefully, they have insurance. That insurance should cover everything, including a rental car for you if needed. If your insurance has to cover you, it depends on your policy. This is a good question to ask your agent directly.

Underage permit driver HAD accident in noncustodial parents car?

If an underage permit driver had an accident in a noncustodial parent's car, the insurance of the custodial parent should cover the cost. Contact the insurance company for full coverage benefits.

What kind of travel insurance do backpackers need?

Backpackers need travel insurances to cover insurance for the case that someone from the group might hurt someone or a wild animal. It also should cover an emergency service cover.

What insurances do Hanover Insurance offer?

The Hanover Insurance Group, which is based in Massachusetts, offers insurance that can cover automobiles, your home, or your business. They were established in 1852 and are known for providing world class insurance to their customers.

Does home owners insurance cover an individual if they are helping someone and get hurt in the process?

No, homeowners insurance is not a replacement for health insurance.

Can homeowners' insurance cover a home owned by two ladies?

Yes. If it is a home and it is owned by someone, then it is covered by homeowners' insurance, regardless of who that someone is.

Does your car insurance cover your car if you loan it to someone in Texas?

Texas or not the policy you insurance company has you on determines that

Does homeowners insurance cover auto damage to non-owners vehicle your property by someone hitting a pole?

Of course NOT. Homeowners Insurance does not cover auto accidents. That's what Auto Insurance is for.