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Yes. The person is entitled to collect the insurance deductible and any other damages that were incurred due to the fault of the driver of the vehicle.

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Q: If you had permission to drive a friend's car and had a wreck can the friend sue you even though the friend's insurance should cover the damage?
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Can you legally drive a friend's car if you are under your parent's insurance and said car is insured by your friends family?

You would be covered by the insurance on your friend's car if you are driving it with their permission. To be safe, get the parents' permission, not just your friend's. It may be that your friend can't give a legally binding permission.

What if you get permission to drive your friends car and you crash it what will happen if she i don't want my insurance to cover it what will happen?

If your friend has auto insurance that covers other drivers, you're fine. If not, she will have to pay for the damage or sue you in civil court.

You have no car or insurance if you drive a friends car are you covered by their insurance?

Provided that there are no exclusions in your friends policy, anybody driver their car with permission will be covered if they cause an accident. You are of course subject to the coverages and limits on your friends policy. Ex, if your friend has just liability, the insurance company will only pay for damages you cause to the other party, not damage to the vehicle you were driving.

In what circumstances does your auto insurance cover you and the car if you are driving a friends car?

Car insurance follows the car. If you are using the friend's car temporarily, with permission, as a substitute for your own insured car, your insurance should cover you if the friend's insurance does not. What if my friend (who has the car) does not have insurance and I want to pay for my faults and fix it - will he be arrested?

Your son was driving his friends car with permission and got into an accident - does he have to pay top fix the car himself or does insurance cover this.?

That depends on the insurance that you and the friend have. Your insurance may cover your son in any vehicle. Same as with the friends insurance covering any driver. You just have to call and ask.

You had no insurance on your car What if your friend borrowed car with permission had an accident and was issued a citation Can you recover from friend's insurance?

Not likely. For property damage, insurance is primary to the vehicle. Unless you live in WI or NH, you are required to carry liability insurance, regardless if you drive your car or not. Liability pays for the damage your car causes to other people for their injuries and damage to their car. Knowingly lending your uninsured car to some one is legally the same thing as you driving without insurance. Your friend's insurance probably contains a non-owned vehicle clause, but this is designed for loaner cars from dealerships, test drives, and rental cars.

In North Carolina if you have liability coverage only and you damage a friend's car while driving it with their permission are you considered an uninsured driver by your friend's insurance company?

No. If you are driving a vehicle with someone's permission, they assume the risk of letting you drive it and therefore their insurance company also assumes the risk. Under the policy contract, you would be considered an 'insured' because you had permission to use the vehicle. If you were responsible for the damage to your friend's vehicle and the accident was your fault, the only coverage to file would be Collision Coverage. Uninsured motorist is a coverage that would pay for damages to your friend's vehicle if you had been involved in a hit and run accident in which the unknown driver is at fault or if the other driver is known, is at fault and does not have insurance.

What happens if you was drivin a friends car..friend was n passenger seat..u hit another car cause the brakes didnt work but didnt damage the other car.the driver dont have who pays?

If the driver of the car has permission to drive and didn't have insurance. The claim could be filed with the insurance company that insures the car. Chad Joiner

Does your insurance cover you in your friend's car?

Yes, some of your own automobile insurance can cover you while driving your friends car. The coverage that your friend has on the car will be the primary coverage and then if that coverage is insufficient for the damage caused then you can go to your own policy for additional coverage.

If a friend borrows your car without permission and gets into an accident will his insurance cover it?

First of all a friend does not borrow your car without your permission- if they used it without your permission they really arent your friend and they technically stole your car- Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle- Their insurance will cover them only if you file a complaint with the police stating that the person did not have your permission to use the car. Otherwise your insurance will cover the loss and your rate may jump or you may get cancelled. Your call- depends on how much the claim is and how good the friend is

I wrecked my friends car they didn't have insurance do i have to pay?

Yes. If you caused damage to somebody's property you are responsible. The definition of insurance is a transfer of risk. If your friend had insurance on the car then the risk would have been transferred from you to the insurance company, but would still make you at fault.

Can a Canadian borrow an American friend's car and drive it into Canada?

Yes, as long as you have proof of ownershipand insurance. Might wat the American friend to write out a letter stating you have permission to use the car.