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That depends on the insurance that you and the friend have. Your insurance may cover your son in any vehicle. Same as with the friends insurance covering any driver. You just have to call and ask.

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Q: Your son was driving his friends car with permission and got into an accident - does he have to pay top fix the car himself or does insurance cover this.?
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If you have an accident driving your friends car who insurance covers?

typcially , ''insurance stays with the car'' meaning the insurance on the vehicle would be primary..........

Does my insurance premium go up if you are involved on an accident which i borrowed a friends car?

If the accident goes on your driving record, yes.

What happens if you dont have insurance and you get into a car accident driving your friends car - she has insurance?

Her insurance may state 'other drivers with the insured's permission' in which case her insurance would at least in part cover damage to other people/cars, but probably not to her own car. If her insurance does not have that clause, you are probably in trouble.

What happens if your child is driving a friends car without permission and is involved in a car accident and your child does not have car insurance?

If your child has a license the insurance on the car will probably cover it. The company can take the position that they were not supposed to be driving it and are not covered in which case it would come back to you because the child is underage.

You have no car or insurance if you drive a friends car are you covered by their insurance?

Provided that there are no exclusions in your friends policy, anybody driver their car with permission will be covered if they cause an accident. You are of course subject to the coverages and limits on your friends policy. Ex, if your friend has just liability, the insurance company will only pay for damages you cause to the other party, not damage to the vehicle you were driving.

My son had permission to operate a friends vehichle and the car was in an accident and totaled. is he liable for payment?

if there is insurance it should pay for the loss

What happens if I'm driving my friends car and i get into an accident but my license is suspended will her insurance cover the damage?

It all depends on her insurance cover

What happens if you don't have insurance and you get into a car accident driving your friends car she has insurance?

As long as she has the correct insurance that allows the car to lent to a friend then it should cover you.

Can you legally drive a friend's car if you are under your parent's insurance and said car is insured by your friends family?

You would be covered by the insurance on your friend's car if you are driving it with their permission. To be safe, get the parents' permission, not just your friend's. It may be that your friend can't give a legally binding permission.

In what circumstances does your auto insurance cover you and the car if you are driving a friends car?

Car insurance follows the car. If you are using the friend's car temporarily, with permission, as a substitute for your own insured car, your insurance should cover you if the friend's insurance does not. What if my friend (who has the car) does not have insurance and I want to pay for my faults and fix it - will he be arrested?

What if your driving a friends uninsured vehicle with them and have and accident with another uninsured vehicle but you do have uninsure motorist insurance on your own car who insurance is responsible?

Since you are the only person with insurance it would be your insurance that pays, if your policy says this situation is covered. It depends on your insurance policy. Some cover you, others don't

If you have a licence but no insurance and a friends car does have insurance on it can you still drive your friends vehicle?

yes, I am sure you can. But you must get the friends permission to drive. Actually, I am not sure. Try yahoo answers.