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If your friend has auto insurance that covers other drivers, you're fine. If not, she will have to pay for the damage or sue you in civil court.

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Q: What if you get permission to drive your friends car and you crash it what will happen if she i don't want my insurance to cover it what will happen?
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If you crash a car borrowed with permission from a family member will their insurance or your insurance cover the damages?

You may need to check with the insurance company. Most companies will cover accidents that happen when a car is borrowed by a licensed driver.

Your son was driving his friends car with permission and got into an accident - does he have to pay top fix the car himself or does insurance cover this.?

That depends on the insurance that you and the friend have. Your insurance may cover your son in any vehicle. Same as with the friends insurance covering any driver. You just have to call and ask.

In what circumstances does your auto insurance cover you and the car if you are driving a friends car?

Car insurance follows the car. If you are using the friend's car temporarily, with permission, as a substitute for your own insured car, your insurance should cover you if the friend's insurance does not. What if my friend (who has the car) does not have insurance and I want to pay for my faults and fix it - will he be arrested?

What happens if you dont have insurance and you get into a car accident driving your friends car - she has insurance?

Her insurance may state 'other drivers with the insured's permission' in which case her insurance would at least in part cover damage to other people/cars, but probably not to her own car. If her insurance does not have that clause, you are probably in trouble.

Do you need to be on someones auto insurance to drive a vehicle?

Insurance will cover any licensed driver with permission to borrow the car.

What happens if I'm driving my friends car and i get into an accident but my license is suspended will her insurance cover the damage?

It all depends on her insurance cover

Will auto insurance cover a vehicle if an underage driver took it without permission and wrecked it?

If you are willing to charge this driver with auto theft it probably will. If not, the insurance company will assume you are giving him permission after the fact.

If a friend borrows your car without permission and gets into an accident will his insurance cover it?

First of all a friend does not borrow your car without your permission- if they used it without your permission they really arent your friend and they technically stole your car- Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle- Their insurance will cover them only if you file a complaint with the police stating that the person did not have your permission to use the car. Otherwise your insurance will cover the loss and your rate may jump or you may get cancelled. Your call- depends on how much the claim is and how good the friend is

Does insurance follow the car or the person?

Depends on the insurance policy. A good one will cover both, as long as the driver has permission to drive the car, and the policy owner can cover a rental or a new vehicle.

What might happen if an uninsured driver had an accident and received a DUI in your vehicle?

First of all, if the driver was driving your vehicle with your permission, your auto insurance will cover the accident expenses. Automobile insurance is issued to cover the vehicle. If the vehicle was stolen, that's quite a different matter - your local law enforcement agency will have better information.

Can you sign a waiver stating that your auto insurance will be responsible for you while you are a passenger in a company vehicle and do you need the permission of your insurance company to do that?

If you have liability insurance your insurance should cover you while driving another vehicle with permission of the owner. The problem with a company truck is the limit of liability you might have to have.

What does hazard insurance cover?

Hazard insurance is specific to a certain type of problem that can happen to your property. This can be anything from flood insurance to vandalism insurance.