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Depends on which state you live in, but in most states a license can be suspended or revoked, and in some states it is an "automatic" penalty.

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Q: If you get into an accident without insurance can the state suspend your license?
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Get into an accident without a license will your insurance cover it?

If you are covered by an "Active" auto insurance policy then you will be covered, whether or not you have an active drivers license.

Can you lose your license with no insurance if you cause an accident?

Yes! You sure can! You have already broken the law to drive without insurance. . . They by YOU yourself causing the accident, you are definitely liable for license removal.

What could be the consequences of an accident if you had no insurance in California?

In California, the law is, if you in fact have an accident in California without insurance, and the dmv finds out about it, your license will be suspended for 1 year.

Can you get car insurance with permit?

Yes. You can even get insurance without a license. However, if you get into an accident and you're found driving alone on a permit, or you're found driving without a license, it will void your policy.

Can insurance company suspend license if they paid for car repair?

An insurance company cannot suspend your license, period. Only the government can do that. What they can do is refuse to insure you. In practical terms, this may amount to the same thing, since most states make it illegal to drive without insurance (or some other proof of financial responsibility, such as a bond).

If someone was driving a car without a license and had an accident can you still get your car fixed?

depends on the insurance company

How do you get your license suspended in Houston?

If you are driving under the influence, if you've been convicted of drug offenses, driving without insurance, and excessive moving violations are some of the ways to suspend a license in Houston.

How can you keep your car insurance if you lose your license?

Sorry, chances are you can't. Insurance companies are not going to assume that type of risk. And even if they did, and the person drove without a valid license and had an accident, the insurance would be invalid.

Do you need insurance to get a drivers license in Texas?

I am pretty sure you need insurance in every state except Wisconsin to get your license. In Wisconsin it is only illegal to have an accident without insurance (how silly is that!?). In ANY event, you should always have insurance to drive.

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If someone without a valid drivers license and without car insurance drives a car that is covered by car insurance, does that insurance pay for that uninsured driver if they have a accident?

Do you need insurance to pay a no car insurance ticket?

No, you don't need insurance to pay the ticket. However, Since almost all U.S. states these days will suspend your drivers license for having been found guilty of driving without insurance. You will need to buy insurance before you can get the drivers license suspension lifted.

Will my insurance go up if someone is driving my car without a license?

They wouldn't know someone was driving your car without a license so it would go up. However, if they have a wreck in your car the insurance company will most likely not cover the accident because the person didn't have a license.