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A no insurance ticket becomes part of your overall driving record and can and will be used to determine rates for any insurnce policy you have or want to have.

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Q: If you get a ticket and you are not covered in the insurance of the car you were driving does the insurance go up?
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If someone is driving your car and you do not have them on your insurance and they get into accident are you covered?

Although it depends on your insurance, the driver is covered if driving with your permission.

If your husband has his own insurance for his vehicle and you exclude him the insurance on your car will he be covered by his insurance if he was driving your car and had an accident?

You have to list the drivers covered to drive your car on the policy. If not he is not covered.

What happens if you get caught driving with out car insurance in mi?

You get a ticket.

Are you covered on a family member's car insurance?

Yes you are covered on a family members car insurance if you are driving a vehicle owned and insured by them.....

How many insurance points do you get when you get a ticket for driving without car insurance?

If you don't have insurance how will it go against your insurance?

Can you get a ticket for driving without insurance if the car isn't yours?

yes you can

Can you receive an uninsured ticket in NY for driving a friend's out of state car from NC that is insured under his name but doesn't have me listed as a driver?

No, you should be covered by his insurance. His insurance works out of state, that means it works with you as well. Fight the ticket, you will win.

Who is responsible for a ticket while driving without car insurance?

The person in who's name the the ticket was issued is responsible for the ticket.

If you are riding in a car and an adult is driving are you covered by insurance in case of an accident?

Only if the car you are riding in has insurance coverage.

What happens if you get a speeding ticket in a rental car with no renters insurance?

The speeding ticket is a separate issue. If you don't have insurance you get done for driving without insurance, speeding or not.

Whose insurance is affected when a friend gets a ticket when driving your car?

Insurance follows the car, and points follow the driver. which means that the friend will receive the ticket and the points against his insurance. However, your insurance will pay for your car and you should not receive the points for the ticket. Check with your state for insurance guidelines.

Will your car get towed if caught driving without insurance?

In most cases, a car will not get towed just for driving without insurance. The officer will usually ticket the driver instead.