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Yes, it is a moving violation so your insurance will go up.

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Q: If you get a citation for not stopping at a stop sign will it make your insurance go up?
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Related questions

Would 'failure to obey' sign traffic citation raise your California insurance rates?

yes. it is a moving violation.

Will your car insurance premium go up because of a Stop Sign citation you got in California state if you pay the fine amount?

ask your insurance agent

Is it legal to not sign sign a citation in Utah?

In some states if you refuse to sign they will arrest you. If other states if you do not sign it makes no difference. Signing the citation is just signifying you got it, and is not an admission of guilt. Sign the citation and then argue the case in traffic court.

Can an officer make you sign anything you already signed?

No one can make you sign anything. However, in certain contexts, such as signing that you have received a citation, failing to sign could mean the officer arrests you instead.

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How much will my auto insurance increase and for how long for not stopping at a stop sign in California?

Contact your agent or companies policy services dept, they will be able to answer that for you.

Did not sign speeding ticket?

While it is unclear what the question is asking, refusing to sign a citation could result in arrest, license suspension, or an additional citation.

Can you cancel your insurance right after i get into an accident?

No. They make you sign a contract.

Does a violation for not stopping at a stop sign raise insurance rates?

Geico raised my rate even though i had a completely clean record from the time I got my licence.

Are you required to sign a traffic citation in Texas?


If stopped for speeding must you sign the citation?

Yes you must sign it because you are not signing that you agree to what is written on the citation, just that you received it. and agree to appear the court date.

How can you sign up for discount insurance online?

Look up any insurance company online and sign up for their insurance online. But make sure you pick a reliable insurance company so you wont get messed up.