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NO. Homeowners insurance policies do not provide coverage for automobiles. That's what auto insurance is for.

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Q: Does homeowners insurance cover slashed tires?
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Does home owners ins cover car tires slashed in driveway?

Homeowners insurance does not cover automobile nor there parts.

Do you claim slashed car tires on homeowners or auto insurance?

Slashed tires coverageYou will need to file the claim under your Auto Insurance policy. Your homeowners insurance does not pay for car damage. That's what auto insurance is for.

My tires were slashed while i was at work-my car parked on company property-does the company cover this-my car insurance doesn't?

mah dik big

If my tires were to be slashed how long can i wait to report it to the cops?

You may not be able to get anywhere with the police if you were just threatened to have your tires slashed. If your tires were actually slashed, and you saw or filmed the person who did it, then you should report it as soon as it happens.

Why is Tim shepards gang looking for dally?

Tim Shepherd is looking for Dally in Chapter 2 because someone slashed the tires on his car, and Tim's brother Curly "spotted Dally doing it".

Does homeowners insurance cover damage to an automobile do to a hurricane that was in an attached garage at the time the damage was incurred?

The car must have its own comprehensive insurance coverage for this type of a loss. The only exception is for car parts that are not attached to the vehicle at the time of the loss - such as stored tires and wheels.

Why did the bikers slashed Lien SUV tires?

Because they slashing Lien SUV tires so the driver won't get away.

What is the best way to go about replacing 4 slashed tires or filling up all 4 tires when someone has let all the air out?

As for slashed tires you probably would need a tow to a tire store, but if the air is let out a portable 12 volt air compressor that plugs into your cigarette lighter would do nicely. Call LES SCHWAB!!!!!!!!!!

What wheels can fit 2001 4.0 Oldsmobile aurora my low profile tires were slashed and i am trying to find replacement factory wheels and tires to fit till i can get new tires.?

the one for the car are 235/55r17

Who was Timothy Shepherd and why was he looking for dally?

Hey was Dally's frienmy who had suspected that Dallas slashed his tires. But it as actually Two-bit who did it. Dally took the blame for it.

Does my insurance cover damages that were caused in an Accident by myself. Not like i rear-ended somebody but rather i hit the sidewalk and my tires got torn and are bent and crooked?

If you purchased full coverage you should have Collision coverage. If so, it will cover the damage to your tires and rims minus your deductible. Happy Motoring

Does home insurance cover theft from a car in driveway?

Yes, if it is personal items not attached to the vehicle that is stolen (such as a laptop). If it attached to the vehicle (stereo, tires) it would go under the auto insurance policy. Also, the items must be owned by the policyholder.