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Anyone can sue you for any reason. Yes the company can sue you and if you are found negligent per your state's laws - you would owe the judgment. If you cannot pay the judgment you can work out a payment plan with the court's approval.

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Q: If you are involved in an accident and have no insurance can the other persons insurance comapany sue you if you fail to pay them for damages?
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You have no car insurance and are involved in an accident that is not your fault does their insurance still pay for damages to your vehicle?


Who benefits from no-fault insurance?

Anybody involved in an accident. Damages are covered regardless of fault.

Who covers damages if the vehicles is uninsurred but the driver has his own insurance?

When a car is uninsured and it involved in an accident, the owner of the car is responsible for its damages and that of the other involved cars. This rule applies even if the driver has his own insurance cover on a different car.

If you pay for accident damages yourself will insurance rates go up?

Depends, if a tree falls on your car and you pay for damages yourself then no. If another party is involved in the accident then yes. The reason being is even if you don't report your damages on your insurance the other party may report to theirs. The data from the accident is then reported into the CLUE insurance database and will cause your rates to raise since the database 'sees' that you were involved in an accident. Bottom line, it's best to report to your insurance yourself and let them pay out since you're going to feel the pinch anyway.

If you are driving without insurance and are involved in an accident that is not your fault who is responsible for damages to your car What legal consequences are involved for the uninsured driver?

First of all you are really lucky that this accident was not your fault. The person who was at fault is responsible for your vehicle damages. If he is insured, then it is his insurance company that is responsible. ** Depending on your states laws, you can loose your drivers license for up to a year for not having insurance and being involved in an accident. If you received a citation at the scene of the accident for no insurance, you need to pay for that also.

In Florida If you were in an accident and was excluded from driving the car and it was not your fault can the insurance co make the owner of the car pay for the damages on the other car?

The insurance company is not going to force anyone to pay for damages to a car. The person that was driving the car and or the owner of that car that caused the accident is liable for the damages to the other vehicles involved in the accident. If there is insurance coverage for that damage then the insurance company will pay. However if the driver of the at fault vehicle is excluded from the insurance policy then the insurance company may be relieved from it's responsibility to pay on behalf of the owner of the vehicle.

How long does it take to get insurance money for damages done to your vehicle in an auto accident?

It can take up to six months or longer if there where injuries involved.

What happens if an accident is your fault and you have have insurance?

When this happens, your Insurance company pays for damages. If the accident is your fault, your insurance rates can go up.

If you have insurance and let your daughter drive your car and gets into an accident will your insurance cover for the damages?

when you get the insurance you can register your daughter as an autorized driver and the insurance will cover for the damages.

Why is having 21st century insurance important?

Having insurance in general is important; auto insurance especially. Not only is it illegal to drive without auto insurance, but if a person were to get into a car accident, he/she would have to exchange insurance information with the other person involved in the accident. A hefty fine can follow if he/she does not have insurance. The insurance will pay for the damages done so that he/she does not have to pay out of pocket. The same goes for homeowners' insurance. If damages are done to a person's house, then the insurance will pay for the damages. Overall, it doesn't matter if it is 21st Century Insurance or another insurance company. Insurance is very important to have.

Is your insurance provider notified and will your insurance cover the damages when an unlicensed driver takes your vehicle without permission and is involved in an accident?

The answer should be yes to both parts of the question. You should notify them.

What happens when your at fault in an accident but you can't pay for it?

Your insurance will care of the damages. If you don't have insurance, the other parties insurance will take care of the damages and then go after you.