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If you are both moving, the one At Fault is whoever the police officer says is at fault on the accident report. That's all I can tell you with this information. I hope you called the police. They will say you backed into them and you will say they ran into you. Without a police report faulting one of you, the insurance company will say both are 50% at fault which means each pays for their own damage.

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Q: If you are backing out of a parking spot and another person cuts in behind you to get into a parking space who is at fault if you back into them?
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Who is at fault when someone who is backing out of a parking lot space hits your side?

The person backing out. If you were in the lane/road behind them they needed to use caution when backing out.

Who is responsible when backing out in a parking lot?

The person who is backing out of the parking space

If you were backing out of a parking spot in Washington state and suddenly seen a car approaching from behind you stopped but were hit from behind by the other car who's at fault?

Hard to say. Possibly equal fault by both parties but most likely the person backing out.

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A backfriend is a secret enemy, or a person who is always behind another in terms of support or backing.

Who has the right of way in a parking lot - person backing out of a spot or someone driving through?

The person driving through. If you're backing out then you do not have the right of way.

If you get rear ended in a parking lot who is responsible?

You if you were backing up. If you were waiting at a stop sign or stoplight or even an entrance and someone else hit you, it would be the person behind's fault.

Who has the right of way in a parking lot the vehicle travelling down the lane or the vehicle backing out?

The person driving on the straightaway/ roadway. Backing out of a driveway or parking spot is the same as a stop sign. The right of way belongs to the person on the road.

Who is at fault for a collision when two cars are backing out in a parking lot?

Its logical.........the person who backed out while the other person was at it!

You were at a complete stop in a parking lot when the car ahead of you began backing up and then hit you you feel as though she is completely liable as your vehicle was not even moving are you correct?

yes you are correct. the person backing up is responsible for making sure the area behind their vehicle is clear.

I live in California i was driving through my apartment complex when i was hit in the front driver side corner by a person backing out of a parking spot. Am i at fault?

The greater fault lies with the person backing out of the parking space. You may still be partially at fault for not driving with due care.

Who fault if person backing out of a parking space and hits a car driving the wrong way in a car park?

If the person backing out of the space had not seen a pedestrian walking the "wrong way" it would be the fault of the driver of the car backing out....... So it is the fault of the person backing out. They did not look to make sure it was safe to do so.

In California if a car backing out of a parking spot hits a forward coming car who is at fault?

The person backing out due to the other car having the right-of-way.