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The person who is backing out of the parking space

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Q: Who is responsible when backing out in a parking lot?
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Who is at fault when you are backing into a parking lot space?

Any time the driver who is backing is at fault, in all 50 states.

Who is at fault if backing out of a parking lot space and another vehicle behind you is also backing out?

both of you for not looking back

Who is at fault when someone who is backing out of a parking lot space hits your side?

The person backing out. If you were in the lane/road behind them they needed to use caution when backing out.

If you are walking in a parking lot and a car backing out hits you who is at fault?

The guy that is walking.

If you get rear ended in a parking lot who is responsible?

You if you were backing up. If you were waiting at a stop sign or stoplight or even an entrance and someone else hit you, it would be the person behind's fault.

Is the owner of the parking lot responsible for repairs if someone hits your car?

Not in a public parking lot. But if it is a controlled parking low where the employees park and retrieve the cars, the lot owner is responsible. He probably has a sign posted saying he is not responsible for accidents, but he is.

Who is at fault if you are hit by a car that is backing out of a parking spot while you are leaving the parking lot going the wrong way?

Your mum, Steve.

Who is at fault if a car is backing out of a parking space and a car cutting through the parking lot to avoid traffic gets hit?

The driver backing up. Unless you can prove the other car was driving unsafly.

Who is at fault when someone backs up in a parking lot to let another car out of parking space and ends up hitting a car behind who is backing out of a parking space?

Depends on the jurisdiction, but typically, two vehicles backing up is a 50/50.

You were at a complete stop in a parking lot when the car ahead of you began backing up and then hit you you feel as though she is completely liable as your vehicle was not even moving are you correct?

yes you are correct. the person backing up is responsible for making sure the area behind their vehicle is clear.

Who has the right of way in a parking lot - person backing out of a spot or someone driving through?

The person driving through. If you're backing out then you do not have the right of way.

Who is at fault when two cars rear end each other backing out of a parking lot?

I would be interested to see how this plays out. I know my dad was backing out of a parking space slowly because he had two larger cars on either side of him and a driver was driving down the lane in the parking lot and rearended him. The other driver didnt stop for at least 20 feet so he was going pretty fast, but they still gave my dad the ticket for unsafe backing. But if both of you were backing out in a parking lot I dont know how that would play out. Did you guys call the cops? I suppose the cop could have given you both a ticket for unsafe backing??